  • Rod Carter
  • Ben Damon and Rod Carter land on Jarga in the spaceship, Futura. They are ordered by the commander of the ship to visit the chief city of Jarga and return to report. They run into the Wogos in the city.A woman named Alda arrives in an elevator to them to warn them. She explains that the Wogos drove her people underground years ago. The commander of the Futura tells her the ship is low on supplies, and landed to restock and refuel. Ben and Rod discover Alda and the Wogos can't see red because of their blue sun. The make costumes of red material, beating the Wogos. Alda's people come from underground to help clean up the defeated creatures. Agwio-Jarg, the head-man of the Jarga people, ask Alda how they defeated the Wogos. He says because they helped the people of Jarga, people from Earth wo
Row 4 info
  • John Belfi
Row 1 info
  • Rod Carter
Row 4 title
  • Created by
Row 2 info
  • Space Adventures #5
Row 1 title
  • Real Name
Row 2 title
  • First Appearance
Row 3 info
  • Charlton
Row 3 title
  • Original Publisher
Box Title
  • Rod Carter
  • Ben Damon and Rod Carter land on Jarga in the spaceship, Futura. They are ordered by the commander of the ship to visit the chief city of Jarga and return to report. They run into the Wogos in the city.A woman named Alda arrives in an elevator to them to warn them. She explains that the Wogos drove her people underground years ago. The commander of the Futura tells her the ship is low on supplies, and landed to restock and refuel. Ben and Rod discover Alda and the Wogos can't see red because of their blue sun. The make costumes of red material, beating the Wogos. Alda's people come from underground to help clean up the defeated creatures. Agwio-Jarg, the head-man of the Jarga people, ask Alda how they defeated the Wogos. He says because they helped the people of Jarga, people from Earth would always be welcome on the planet.