  • Courageous Mayhem
  • Strips include: * "Hit the Plane Down" by Philip Barrett * "Thumbs Up Tommy" by Papa Hotel * "To Be a Dapper Chappie" by Emma Rowe * "Heroes of Bible Days" by Paddy Brown * "Alexander the Great Cyclist" by Antonio Carty * "Underwater Billiards" by Kristen Ware and Andy Luke * "General Ginger's Insect Army" by Alan Nolan * "Protowar" by Elida Maiques * "Hovercraft!!!" by Gar Shanley and Archie Templar * "The Spide and the Botanist" by Danny Pongo and John Robbins * "Corpse Corps" by Gar Shanley and Deirdre de Barra * "Ghost Dad and Son" by John Robbins * "Bucky Clemens" by Cathal Duggan * "Little Boys" by Gar Shanley and Tommie Kelly * "Danny Denter, Boy Inventor" by Ronan Kennedy * "Get Tactical" by Ian Pettitt * "Protohisto
  • Strips include: * "Hit the Plane Down" by Philip Barrett * "Thumbs Up Tommy" by Papa Hotel * "To Be a Dapper Chappie" by Emma Rowe * "Heroes of Bible Days" by Paddy Brown * "Alexander the Great Cyclist" by Antonio Carty * "Underwater Billiards" by Kristen Ware and Andy Luke * "General Ginger's Insect Army" by Alan Nolan * "Protowar" by Elida Maiques * "Hovercraft!!!" by Gar Shanley and Archie Templar * "The Spide and the Botanist" by Danny Pongo and John Robbins * "Corpse Corps" by Gar Shanley and Deirdre de Barra * "Ghost Dad and Son" by John Robbins * "Bucky Clemens" by Cathal Duggan * "Little Boys" by Gar Shanley and Tommie Kelly * "Danny Denter, Boy Inventor" by Ronan Kennedy * "Get Tactical" by Ian Pettitt * "Protohistory" by Elida Maiques * "It Pays to Look Up" by Paddy Lynch Bonus strip in the deluxe edition: * "Last Bullet!" by Archie Templar