  • Guardsmen 112228
  • Guardsmen 112228 was a Coruscant Guard member during the Imperial Period, commanded by clone commander Fox. He was born on Coruscant, and joined the Imperial Army. Because he knew the streets of the Underworld of Coruscant almost as well as Fox he was transferred to the Coruscant Guard, and became a good friend of a fellow guardsmen, Guardsmen 112227. They both worked along side Fox a lot.
  • Guardsmen 112228 was a Coruscant Guard member during the Imperial Period, commanded by clone commander Fox. He was born on Coruscant, and joined the Imperial Army. Because he knew the streets of the Underworld of Coruscant almost as well as Fox he was transferred to the Coruscant Guard, and became a good friend of a fellow guardsmen, Guardsmen 112227. They both worked along side Fox a lot.