  • Strike of the Dragon
  • Strike of the Dragon was a Mastery 7 martial fire kiho which was a favorite of kikage zumi, and many other ise zumi as well. The Tattooed Monk leapt forward at his opponent, quickly closing with him and striking with one flat palm against the chest or forehead. Focusing his chi in his hand, so that those who were well connected to the elements could see a faint red glow around the hand during the attack.
  • Strike of the Dragon was a Mastery 7 martial fire kiho which was a favorite of kikage zumi, and many other ise zumi as well. The Tattooed Monk leapt forward at his opponent, quickly closing with him and striking with one flat palm against the chest or forehead. Focusing his chi in his hand, so that those who were well connected to the elements could see a faint red glow around the hand during the attack.
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