  • Bureaucracy
  • Bureaucracy
  • Bureaucracy ist ein Textadventure von Infocom aus dem Jahr 1987, das u. a. von Douglas Adams geschrieben wurde.
  • Bureaucracy is a research topic in the Godfather Five Families. It's one of the last research topics that can be unlocked the other being BlackMail. Each upgrade increases the player's Jail Size by two hundred and fifty.
  • Bureaucracy was a form of government in which government decisions were made by unelected officials. In 2365, Jean-Luc Picard explained that the Mariposa colony had been lost in the Federation's bureaucracy. (TNG: "Up The Long Ladder" )
  • A bureaucracy is "a body of non-elective government officials" and/or "an administrative policy-making group". Historically, bureaucracy was government administration managed by departments staffed with nonelected officials. Today, bureaucracy is the administrative system governing any large institution.
  • Bureaucracy is a concept in sociology and political science referring to the way that the administrative execution and enforcement of legal rules are socially organized. This office organization is characterized by standardized procedure (rule-following), formal division of responsibility, hierarchy, and impersonal relationships. Bureaucrats serve their government or corporate employers by ensuring that all processes and actions under their jurisdiction comply with directed norms. In fiction, bureaucrats are often portrayed as impersonal or even rude, valuing the rules over any personal beliefs or attachments. Bureaucracy is common to both communism and capitalism.
  • "No rest for the wicked," they say. Today had been the worst day of my life: my girlfriend had killed herself and stipulated in her suicide note that she was my long lost sister, with a PS that I should get tested for AIDS. Then I had gone to the clinic to get tested, and though I had come up negative, the doctor told me that they had accidentally used a dirty needle to take the blood sample, giving me a promotional brochure featuring many different medications that I would promptly have the privilege of choosing to fit my lifestyle. "Arr, it does that." "Can you refund me please?"
  • Time Taken: One round to several days. Specializations: Specific planetary or administrative government, or branch within it — Tatooine, Celanon, Bureau of Commerce, Bureau of Ships and Services. This skill reflects a character's familiarity with bureaucracies and their procedures. Bureaucracy can be used in two ways: Second, bureaucracy can also be used to find out what information a bureaucracy has on file. The difficulty depends upon how restricted the information is:
  • 1998-09-05
  • 5140196
  • 2017-08-14
  • Bureaucracy
  • Bureaucracy
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  • 14
  • "No rest for the wicked," they say. Today had been the worst day of my life: my girlfriend had killed herself and stipulated in her suicide note that she was my long lost sister, with a PS that I should get tested for AIDS. Then I had gone to the clinic to get tested, and though I had come up negative, the doctor told me that they had accidentally used a dirty needle to take the blood sample, giving me a promotional brochure featuring many different medications that I would promptly have the privilege of choosing to fit my lifestyle. In the shade of her voluminous pirate hat, the receptionist glared at me like just one of the many other personal insults that she had to put up with daily. "Hi," I began. "Uh, the vending machine swallowed my coin." "Arr, it does that." "Can you refund me please?" "Flavoured Carbonated Glucose Solution Supply & Affairs department, 13th floor." "What? 13th floor? Can't you just give me the money?" "ARR, do ye be wanting to mess with this shit‽" she said with a threatening interrobang, narrowing her non-patched eye. I backed off a step. "I didn't mean any offense, ma'am." "Flavoured Carbonated Glucose Solution Supply & Affairs department, 13th floor."
  • Bureaucracy ist ein Textadventure von Infocom aus dem Jahr 1987, das u. a. von Douglas Adams geschrieben wurde.
  • Time Taken: One round to several days. Specializations: Specific planetary or administrative government, or branch within it — Tatooine, Celanon, Bureau of Commerce, Bureau of Ships and Services. This skill reflects a character's familiarity with bureaucracies and their procedures. Bureaucracy can be used in two ways: First, the character can use this skill to determine whether or not he knows what to expect from a bureaucracy. For example, if a character needs to get a permit for his blaster, a successful bureaucracy skill check means he knows what forms and identification he needs, who he would have to talk to, how long the process might take and some short cuts he might be able to use. Second, bureaucracy can also be used to find out what information a bureaucracy has on file. The difficulty depends upon how restricted the information is: * Very Easy: Available to all. Finding out how much you owe on your starship. * Easy: Available to most people. Discovering which ships are in port. * Moderate: Available to anyone who meets certain qualifications. Finding out which ships are impounded or under guard. * Difficult: Somewhat restricted. Finding out how much someone else owes on their starship. Determining how to legally get your ship out of an impound yard. * Very Difficult: Very restricted. Who to bribe to illegally get your ship out of an impound yard. Getting permission to make an emergency landing in the middle of a busy intersection. * +5-10 to the difficulty: Request is unusual. * +15 or more to the difficulty: Request is very unusual. * +5 or more to the difficulty: The bureaucracy is poorly funded or has low morale. * +10 or more to the difficulty: The bureaucracy is very corrupt and doesn't care about providing services. * +5 to the character's roll: The bureaucracy is well-funded, has good morale, or is truly dedicated to meeting the needs of those who use it. * +5 or more to the character's roll: The character is well-known and well-liked, and the bureaucrats have good reason to help the character. For example, Luke Skywalker asking a New Republic general for assistance. * No modifier: The character isn't well-known and the bureaucrat has no reason to want to help the character — but no reason to hinder him either. * +5-10 or more to the difficulty: The character is a known troublemaker, nuisance or criminal. The modifier applies if the character is affiliated with an organization that has that reputation. If the character succeeds at the roll, he gets whatever he needs done (within reason) in a shorter amount of time — up to half the normal time. If the character fails, the process takes as long as normal ... and longer if the character has drawn undue attention to himself. The character might even be arrested on a trumped-up charge if he has been particularly obnoxious. Remember, the bureaucracy roll is only as good as the bureaucrat the character is dealing with. Data-crunching desk-warmers can't access the same information as Imperial governors. Bullying, bribing, or rolling really high against a low-level bureaucrat will not allow you to find out when a Star Destroyer is leaving orbit. If he doesn't know and doesn't have any way of finding out, the best he'll be able to do is lead you to someone who might.
  • Bureaucracy is a research topic in the Godfather Five Families. It's one of the last research topics that can be unlocked the other being BlackMail. Each upgrade increases the player's Jail Size by two hundred and fifty.
  • Bureaucracy was a form of government in which government decisions were made by unelected officials. In 2365, Jean-Luc Picard explained that the Mariposa colony had been lost in the Federation's bureaucracy. (TNG: "Up The Long Ladder" )
  • A bureaucracy is "a body of non-elective government officials" and/or "an administrative policy-making group". Historically, bureaucracy was government administration managed by departments staffed with nonelected officials. Today, bureaucracy is the administrative system governing any large institution.
  • Bureaucracy is a concept in sociology and political science referring to the way that the administrative execution and enforcement of legal rules are socially organized. This office organization is characterized by standardized procedure (rule-following), formal division of responsibility, hierarchy, and impersonal relationships. Bureaucrats serve their government or corporate employers by ensuring that all processes and actions under their jurisdiction comply with directed norms. In fiction, bureaucrats are often portrayed as impersonal or even rude, valuing the rules over any personal beliefs or attachments. Bureaucracy is common to both communism and capitalism.
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