  • Durian
  • Durian
  • Durian gives +8 hunger when fed to a pet.
  • Durian is a NPC in Rockery Haven.
  • The durian is an enrichment item that can be bought in Zoo Tycoon 2: Endangered Species. It is an edible enrichment unlocked within 2 1/2 stars of zoo fame rating that can be opened and eaten by certain animals like primates.
  • Durians are one of the randomly spawning fruits. They are located in various areas and never spawn in caves. It seems to somewhat spawn at dawn. Each tree contains 4 Durians. Durians can also be obtained from Suhreen. Durian trees will despawn if there are no durians on it like other rare fruits. Despite the high silver for selling Durians, they are often hard to find and are not a reliable source of silver. The survival rate is 14%, and the lifespan is 5 days in grow beds. The harvested tree will have 2 Durians in it. The Durian trees are noted to have random placement, usually on high grounds.
  • p Informations Premièreapparition Dernièreapparition Utilisé par Effet(s)/Fonction(s) Les durians sont des fruits d'Asie du Sud-Est apparaissant notamment dans Super Mario Sunshine. Mario ne peut les ramasser, ces fruits étant couverts de pics. Il peut cependant les lancer avec le pied. Yoshi peut quant-à-lui les manger ; le dinosaure devient par ailleurs violet après la dégustation.
  • Wikipedia Article About Durian on Wikipedia The durian (IPA: [duɾiɑn]) is the fruit of trees belonging to the genus Durio. There are currently 30 recognised Durio species, all native to south-eastern Asia. At least nine species produce edible fruit.[1] Durio zibethinus is the only species available in the international market, but other species can be found in local markets in their native region. The durian fruit is distinctive for its large size, unique odour, and its formidable thorn-covered husk. Its name comes from the Malay word duri, meaning "thorn".
  • Le durian est l'un des 7 fruits tropicaux qui fait son apparition dans Animal Crossing: New Leaf. Il est également présent dans Animal Crossing: Happy Home Designer. Comme tous les autres fruits de type tropicaux, le durian ne peut se trouver que sur Tortiland ou être reçu en cadeau. Ensuite, il est en possible d'en planter et d'en faire pousser dans le village. Il n'existe pas de durian parfait.
  • A Durian is one of several types of fruit that appears in Super Mario Sunshine which can be fed to a Yoshi or Yoshi egg. Unlike most other types of fruit, durians cannot be picked up by Mario and carried; they can only be kicked around until it reaches its destined target. Durians turn Yoshis purple when eaten. A Pianta lady on the other side of the pool in Isle Delfino Plaza will reward Mario with a Blue Coin for getting three durians into her basket. The Yoshi egg in Ricco Harbor will only accept durians.
First game
  • Super Mario Sunshine
  • 25
  • -5
  • Inflige des dégâts.
  • Donne une coloration violette à Yoshi dès qu'il le déguste.
  • Mario Party DS
  • "durian"
  • "durian_cooked"
  • Durian
  • Durians
  • durian
Box Title
  • Durian / Extra Smelly Durian
  • Endangered Species
  • Mario Party DS
  • File:Duriantree.png
  • yes
  • Durian
  • Enrichment
  • A Durian as seen in Super Mario Sunshine.
Sell Price
  • 80
lifespan (farming)
  • 432000.0
survival rate
  • 14.0
  • N/A
fruit to spawn
  • 2
  • yes
  • File:Durian1.png
  • 15
  • 6
  • 100
  • Manure
  • Durian Seeds
  • Extra Smelly Durian
  • Extra Smelly Durian
  • None
  • -3
  • 0
  • Super Mario Sunshine
wikipage disambiguates
  • Grown in Farms
  • 32
  • 864000.0
  • 518400.0
  • 1
  • 20
  • 40
  • yes
  • p Informations Premièreapparition Dernièreapparition Utilisé par Effet(s)/Fonction(s) Les durians sont des fruits d'Asie du Sud-Est apparaissant notamment dans Super Mario Sunshine. Mario ne peut les ramasser, ces fruits étant couverts de pics. Il peut cependant les lancer avec le pied. Yoshi peut quant-à-lui les manger ; le dinosaure devient par ailleurs violet après la dégustation. Les durians réapparaissent dans le mini-jeu En sort et en os de Mario Party DS qui met le joueur face à Skelerex. Après deux coups, Skelerex fait une charge au sol pouvant faire tomber des durians sur la zone de combat. Si le Koopa fait une charge au sol sur l'un de ces fruits, il devient étourdi pendant quelques secondes avant de reprendre ses esprits.
  • Le durian est l'un des 7 fruits tropicaux qui fait son apparition dans Animal Crossing: New Leaf. Il est également présent dans Animal Crossing: Happy Home Designer. Comme tous les autres fruits de type tropicaux, le durian ne peut se trouver que sur Tortiland ou être reçu en cadeau. Ensuite, il est en possible d'en planter et d'en faire pousser dans le village. Il n'existe pas de durian parfait. Mangeable, il se revend également à 250 Clochettes chez Revente & Retouches ou 200 Clochettes au magasin de Méli et Mélo. Si ces fruits sont des articles phares, alors ils se revendent deux fois plus cher. Catégorie:Fruits Catégorie:Fruits tropicaux Catégorie:Nourriture Catégorie:Nature
  • Durian gives +8 hunger when fed to a pet.
  • Durian is a NPC in Rockery Haven.
  • The durian is an enrichment item that can be bought in Zoo Tycoon 2: Endangered Species. It is an edible enrichment unlocked within 2 1/2 stars of zoo fame rating that can be opened and eaten by certain animals like primates.
  • Wikipedia Article About Durian on Wikipedia The durian (IPA: [duɾiɑn]) is the fruit of trees belonging to the genus Durio. There are currently 30 recognised Durio species, all native to south-eastern Asia. At least nine species produce edible fruit.[1] Durio zibethinus is the only species available in the international market, but other species can be found in local markets in their native region. The durian fruit is distinctive for its large size, unique odour, and its formidable thorn-covered husk. Its name comes from the Malay word duri, meaning "thorn". The fruit can grow up to 40 cm long and 30 cm in diameter, and typically weighs one to five kg. The shape of the fruit ranges from oblong to round, the colour of its husk green to brown, and its flesh pale-yellow to red, depending on species. Its hard outer husk is covered with sharp, prickly thorns, and the flesh within emits a strong, distinctive odour. Some regard this odour as fragrant, while the uninitiated often find it overpowering or offensive. The edible portions of the fruit are the custard-like flesh and the seed.
  • Durians are one of the randomly spawning fruits. They are located in various areas and never spawn in caves. It seems to somewhat spawn at dawn. Each tree contains 4 Durians. Durians can also be obtained from Suhreen. Durian trees will despawn if there are no durians on it like other rare fruits. Despite the high silver for selling Durians, they are often hard to find and are not a reliable source of silver. The survival rate is 14%, and the lifespan is 5 days in grow beds. The harvested tree will have 2 Durians in it. The Durian trees are noted to have random placement, usually on high grounds. Each Durian is worth 80 Silver and takes 15 cargo capacity.
  • A Durian is one of several types of fruit that appears in Super Mario Sunshine which can be fed to a Yoshi or Yoshi egg. Unlike most other types of fruit, durians cannot be picked up by Mario and carried; they can only be kicked around until it reaches its destined target. Durians turn Yoshis purple when eaten. A Pianta lady on the other side of the pool in Isle Delfino Plaza will reward Mario with a Blue Coin for getting three durians into her basket. The Yoshi egg in Ricco Harbor will only accept durians. Durians also appear in Mario Party DS when the player fights with Dry Bones in the mini-game Hexoskeleton, in which they can be used as a weapon. If they hit Dry Bones with one, he will get stunned for a few seconds.