  • Create Release
  • Create Something From THIN AIR Size Depends on how much chakra is used i.e using little to none chakra to make a pebble, use alot of chakra to make a FUCKING PLANET, This is More Hax OP than wood style.You Can Also Use Yang Release to Breath Life into it and make patrick star but depends on if you want to. You can Probably create chakra and add it to your own butt you have to have GOD LEVEL mastery in it.
  • Create Something From THIN AIR Size Depends on how much chakra is used i.e using little to none chakra to make a pebble, use alot of chakra to make a FUCKING PLANET, This is More Hax OP than wood style.You Can Also Use Yang Release to Breath Life into it and make patrick star but depends on if you want to. You can Probably create chakra and add it to your own butt you have to have GOD LEVEL mastery in it.