  • Wile away time as only a Hedonist can
  • From: An Evening's Loitering No reason you can't enjoy yourself while you wait. [Find the rest of the story at ] __NOEDITSECTION__
Success title
  • Pleasurable wastes
From Card/Storylet title
  • An Evening's Loitering
Unlocked with
  • 41
Success description
  • Smoke trails from the cigar, from your mouth. The bottles stored around you are there to keep you alert. Detractors might say such indulgences dull the senses – more fool they. Without your entertainments, you'd fall asleep. And then you'd miss everything!
  • No reason you can't enjoy yourself while you wait.
Friend Accept description
  • [Friend] is maintaining a leisurely, probably drunken watch over a certain building for many hours. They would like your help.
Accept description
  • You have asked [friend] to join you for a bit of loitering. Or more than a bit, depending on how long it takes for your b___dy mark to show themselves.
  • From: An Evening's Loitering No reason you can't enjoy yourself while you wait. [Find the rest of the story at ] __NOEDITSECTION__