  • Isinaki
  • Isinaki was the name used for a humanoid robot used by the Redheri Trade Consortium during their covert study of the Ilaiyenai people of planet Sigma Niobe II. Isinaki was controlled by a female Redheri, Glysinek, and was "killed" when the Yemai Empire, a rival group of Niobeans, attempted to take one of the Ilaiyenai islands in 2268. (TOS short story: "As Others See Us")
  • Isinaki was the name used for a humanoid robot used by the Redheri Trade Consortium during their covert study of the Ilaiyenai people of planet Sigma Niobe II. Isinaki was controlled by a female Redheri, Glysinek, and was "killed" when the Yemai Empire, a rival group of Niobeans, attempted to take one of the Ilaiyenai islands in 2268. (TOS short story: "As Others See Us")