  • Aruba
  • Aruba
  • Aruba
  • Aruba is an island which is part the kingdom of the Netherlands which is located in North America.
  • Aruba, officially the Republic of Aruba (Dutch: Republiek Aruba), is an island nation in the Caribbean Sea in southern North America. Its capital is Oranjestad.
  • Aruba was an island country. George Mason illegally transferred $200,000 of Barcelonian heroin dealer Phillipe Darcet's assets into a bank account in Aruba after taking part in Darcet's arrest. ("Day 1: 12:00am-1:00am")
  • "Aruba" is the seventeenth and final episode of the second season of DC's Legends of Tomorrow, and the thirty-third episode overall. It aired on April 4, 2017.
  • Aruba ist der Ort eines Bankkontos, wohin George Mason illegalerweise 200.000$ überwies. Dieses Konto gehörte dem Heroindealer Phillipe Darcet aus Barcelona.
  • Aruba (/əˈruːbə/ ə-ROO-bə; Dutch pronunciation: [aˈruba]) is a 33-kilometer-long (20 mi) island of the Lesser Antilles in the southern Caribbean Sea, located 27 km (17 mi) north of the coast of Venezuela. Together with Bonaire and Curaçao, it forms a group referred to as the ABC islands of the Leeward Antilles, the southern island chain of the Lesser Antilles. Collectively, Aruba and the other Dutch islands in the Antilles are commonly referred to as the Netherlands Antilles or the Dutch Antilles. More informaiton on the Wikipedia page [1] See also Aruba National Library
  • Discovered and claimed for Spain in 1499, Aruba was acquired by the Dutch in 1636. The island's economy has been dominated by three main industries. A 19th century gold rush was followed by prosperity brought on by the opening in 1924 of an oil refinery. The last decades of the 20th century saw a boom in the tourism industry. Aruba seceded from the Netherlands Antilles in 1986 and became a separate, autonomous member of the Kingdom of the Netherlands. Movement toward full independence was halted at Aruba's request in 1990.
  • Aruba is a small Caribbean island and an autonomous region within the Kingdom of the Netherlands. Complete independence has been discussed and shelved. Aruba is prosperous with a population just over 100,000. The Economy used to depend heavily on a petroleum refinery but now tourism is the chief earner for the island. One author suggests it is home to the world's finest sunburns.
  • Aruba is an island in the Lesser Antilles. Oranjestad is the capital and the largest city. There used to be a ice rink in downtown Oranjestad, most arubians learned how to ice skate. But in the past years it has been closed down for safety hazards.
  • Aruba es un pais en la Mar de Caribe. La area es sirca 193 cilometres cuadrada. La cuantia de popla, en la anio 2007, es sirca 100,018 persones. La site capital es Oranjestad. La lingua major es papiamentu 66.3%, espaniol 12.6%, engles 7.7%, nederlandes (ofisial) 5.8%, otra 2.2% (2000).
  • Aruba is an island in the Caribbean Sea, just a short distance north of the Venezuelan Paraguaná Peninsula, and it forms a part of the Kingdom of the Netherlands. Unlike much of the Caribbean region, it has a dry climate and an arid, cactus-strewn landscape. This climate has helped tourism, however, as visitors to the island can reliably expect warm, sunny weather.
  • Aruba is a constituent nation in the Caribbean. It belongs to the Kingdom of the Netherlands and has yet to gain independence. Along with all other islands under Dutch sovereignty, Aruba is officially referred to as a member of the "Dutch Caribbean."
  • Use a car rental comparison site to book a car in Aruba example: , or
  • This is a collection of local flavor and sources of information about Aruba, with a focus on individual voices. Please add other sources below. See the Bridge Index style guide for advice on how to list new sources on this page. +/-
  • The flag of Aruba, an autonomous region within the Kingdom of the Netherlands, consists of a field of light blue, two narrow parallel horizontal yellow stripes in the bottom half, and a four-pointed white-fimbriated red star in the canton. March 18 is a public holiday in Aruba, known as Flag Day (it coincides with the day when in 1948 Aruba was granted the right to autonomous status in the Kingdom of the Netherlands).
  • Aruba ist eine Afrikanische Elefantenkuh im hessischen Opel-Zoo Kronberg. Aruba wurde 1979 in Simbabwe wild geboren. Als Kalb von etwa zwei Jahren kam sie in den Opel-Zoo. Sie traf am 17.09.1981 im Zoo ein und trug zunächst den Namen "Drumbo".
Row 4 info
  • 103065
Erstausstrahlung US
  • 4042017
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  • Unemployment
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  • Oranjestad
Row 4 title
  • Population
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  • 2.375656128E9
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  • Capital
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  • 1.478
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  • Borders
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  • Life expectancy
  • 2
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  • Population growth
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  • parliamentary democracy
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  • Government type
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  • 6.9
  • 2
  • 33
Box Title
  • Country summary
  • "Mommie Beerest"
  • Wentworth Miller as Leonard Snart/Captain Cold
  • Jack Turner as J.R.R. Tolkien
  • John Barrowman as Malcolm Merlyn/Dark Archer
  • Katie Cassidy as Laurel Lance
  • Neal McDonough as Damien Darhk
  • Aruba
  • 2017-04-04
  • Aruba
  • South America
  • Dutch
  • 1976-03-18
  • DC_s-Legends-of-Tomorrow
  • 17
  • DC's Legends of Tomorrow
  • Sarah Bollinger
  • Oranjestad
  • LoT 217.png
  • Aruba is an island which is part the kingdom of the Netherlands which is located in North America.
  • Aruba, officially the Republic of Aruba (Dutch: Republiek Aruba), is an island nation in the Caribbean Sea in southern North America. Its capital is Oranjestad.
  • Aruba was an island country. George Mason illegally transferred $200,000 of Barcelonian heroin dealer Phillipe Darcet's assets into a bank account in Aruba after taking part in Darcet's arrest. ("Day 1: 12:00am-1:00am")
  • "Aruba" is the seventeenth and final episode of the second season of DC's Legends of Tomorrow, and the thirty-third episode overall. It aired on April 4, 2017.
  • Aruba ist der Ort eines Bankkontos, wohin George Mason illegalerweise 200.000$ überwies. Dieses Konto gehörte dem Heroindealer Phillipe Darcet aus Barcelona.
  • Aruba (/əˈruːbə/ ə-ROO-bə; Dutch pronunciation: [aˈruba]) is a 33-kilometer-long (20 mi) island of the Lesser Antilles in the southern Caribbean Sea, located 27 km (17 mi) north of the coast of Venezuela. Together with Bonaire and Curaçao, it forms a group referred to as the ABC islands of the Leeward Antilles, the southern island chain of the Lesser Antilles. Collectively, Aruba and the other Dutch islands in the Antilles are commonly referred to as the Netherlands Antilles or the Dutch Antilles. More informaiton on the Wikipedia page [1] See also Aruba National Library
  • Aruba ist eine Afrikanische Elefantenkuh im hessischen Opel-Zoo Kronberg. Aruba wurde 1979 in Simbabwe wild geboren. Als Kalb von etwa zwei Jahren kam sie in den Opel-Zoo. Sie traf am 17.09.1981 im Zoo ein und trug zunächst den Namen "Drumbo". Zu dieser Zeit lebten dort die beiden Afrikanischen Kühe Opeline und ihre Tochter Afrika. Der Bulle Afrikano, Opelines Sohn, starb im Jahr von Arubas Ankunft. 1982 kam die Afrikanerin Toto aus dem Tierpark Hellabrunn hinzu, im März 1983 zwei weitere Kuhkälber, Zimba und Wankie. Afrika starb bereits 1982. Am 24.06.1983 erreichte schließlich der kleine Bulle Ali den Opel-Zoo. Toto starb 1992, Opeline 1993, seitdem waren im Zoo die drei Kühe unter sich, die heute noch dort leben, sowie der Bulle Ali, der 2004 gestorben ist. Im Vorfeld der Planungen für eine neue Elefantenanlage wurde berichtet, dass wegen des veralteten Hauses kein neuer Bulle angeschafft werden dürfe. Daneben soll auch die Haltung für die Kühe verbessert werden, die bis zu 16 Stunden am Tag an die Kette gelegt werden. Vorgesehen sei auch die Einrichtung für die Haltung der Tiere im geschützten Kontakt zu den Pflegern. Auch im Winter wurden die drei Kühe spazieren geführt. Sie gehen auch durch den Schnee und toben darin. Im Winter werden sie auch mit unverkauften Weihnachtsbäumen gefüttert. Ende 2011 wurden die Planungen für eine neue Elefantenanlage genehmigt. Für die Bauzeit von zwei Jahren sollten die Besucher den Zoo ungestört besuchen können und auch die Elefantenkühe sehen. Die Planungen sehen die Haltung von vier Kühen und einem Bullen vor. Da Aruba und ihre Gehegegenossinnen für die Zucht zu alt sind, ist die Hinzuführung einer jüngeren Kuh vorgesehen. Im August 2013 zog sie zusammen mit Wankie und Zimba ins neue Elefantenhaus ein, wo sie auf den jungen Bullen Tamo aus Wuppertal traf. Am 16.11.2014 verstarb Artgenossin Wankie. Aruba litt unter ihrem Tod und hat einige Tage nichts gefressen. Aruba ist die Leitkuh der Elefantenkühe im Opel-Zoo und auch die älteste. Sie wird als intelligent beschrieben und zeigt einige besonderen Verhaltensweisen. Sie soll sich ungern unterordnen und ist zuweilen jähzornig, wobei sie die beiden anderen Kühe, die Pfleger oder auch Besucher (mit Wasser) attackiert. Das Interesse am Training ist bei ihr nur teilweise vorhanden.
  • Discovered and claimed for Spain in 1499, Aruba was acquired by the Dutch in 1636. The island's economy has been dominated by three main industries. A 19th century gold rush was followed by prosperity brought on by the opening in 1924 of an oil refinery. The last decades of the 20th century saw a boom in the tourism industry. Aruba seceded from the Netherlands Antilles in 1986 and became a separate, autonomous member of the Kingdom of the Netherlands. Movement toward full independence was halted at Aruba's request in 1990.
  • Aruba is a small Caribbean island and an autonomous region within the Kingdom of the Netherlands. Complete independence has been discussed and shelved. Aruba is prosperous with a population just over 100,000. The Economy used to depend heavily on a petroleum refinery but now tourism is the chief earner for the island. One author suggests it is home to the world's finest sunburns.
  • Aruba is an island in the Lesser Antilles. Oranjestad is the capital and the largest city. There used to be a ice rink in downtown Oranjestad, most arubians learned how to ice skate. But in the past years it has been closed down for safety hazards.
  • Aruba es un pais en la Mar de Caribe. La area es sirca 193 cilometres cuadrada. La cuantia de popla, en la anio 2007, es sirca 100,018 persones. La site capital es Oranjestad. La lingua major es papiamentu 66.3%, espaniol 12.6%, engles 7.7%, nederlandes (ofisial) 5.8%, otra 2.2% (2000).
  • Aruba is an island in the Caribbean Sea, just a short distance north of the Venezuelan Paraguaná Peninsula, and it forms a part of the Kingdom of the Netherlands. Unlike much of the Caribbean region, it has a dry climate and an arid, cactus-strewn landscape. This climate has helped tourism, however, as visitors to the island can reliably expect warm, sunny weather.
  • Aruba is a constituent nation in the Caribbean. It belongs to the Kingdom of the Netherlands and has yet to gain independence. Along with all other islands under Dutch sovereignty, Aruba is officially referred to as a member of the "Dutch Caribbean."
  • Use a car rental comparison site to book a car in Aruba example: , or
  • This is a collection of local flavor and sources of information about Aruba, with a focus on individual voices. Please add other sources below. See the Bridge Index style guide for advice on how to list new sources on this page. +/-
  • The flag of Aruba, an autonomous region within the Kingdom of the Netherlands, consists of a field of light blue, two narrow parallel horizontal yellow stripes in the bottom half, and a four-pointed white-fimbriated red star in the canton. March 18 is a public holiday in Aruba, known as Flag Day (it coincides with the day when in 1948 Aruba was granted the right to autonomous status in the Kingdom of the Netherlands).
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