  • Peter Parker (Earth-12)
  • Unlike his 616 counterpart, this Peter lived with his parents and visited his Uncle Ben and Aunt May very often. Another difference between the two peters was that he was one the most athletic, popular teen in school.
  • Spider is able to lift 25 tons and 58 pounds
  • Good
  • Humans
  • 2.1459168E9
  • The Spider.
  • Richard Parker, father
  • Deadpool
  • Brown
  • dyed black
  • 250
  • Web-swinging
  • *Master Acrobat: Thanks to his great strength and phenomenal equilibrium, Peter is an excellent athlete, excelling in all gymnastic fields and being able to perform every acrobatic stunt ever performed, including others that can never be performed by even an Olympic acrobat. *Expert Combatant: Thanks to Peter's amazing superhuman physiology, acrobatic powers and spider sense, he is an excellent hand-to-hand combatant, with a fighting style derived from his spider-like attributes, which utilizes various techniques such as those used in boxing and wrestling, as well as ground fighting and tricking. *Genius Intellect: Spider was smarter than his 616 counter-part but hated school, Due to the lack of a challenge.
  • Spider
  • Spider
  • Secret
  • Stingers, hidden gun in both of his gloves, knives in utility belt.
  • *Spider's spider-sense can be blocked by certain drugs. *Spider is guilt ridden,irresponsible,Somewhat arrogant, and can't handle pressure.
  • *Regenerative Healing Factor: Spider has a healing factor, a little less powerful than Deadpool's. He is able to regenerate limbs. *Superhuman Strength: Spider is seen being able to knock out Venom and Carnage with one punch when angry. He can also lift just over 25 tons. *Superhuman Speed: Spider is able to catch up to a motorcycle by running. *Superhuman Stamina: Spider is seen being able to avoid sleeping for days, and is able to beat average crooks with little exertion. *Superhuman Durability: Spider has tougher skin than his 616 counter-part, and is able to withstand being shot by things like pistols at a long range. He can also break a normal person's arm if they hit him. *Superhuman Agility: Spider was extremely agile before he had his powers, and after gaining them, he is more agile than Nightcrawler. **Super Reflexes: Spider's spider sense, speed, and agility allow him reflexes that make him very difficult to hit, unless his spider sense is weakened or blocked. He can also be hit by motion seekers, heat seekers, and through surprise. *Superhuman Equilibrium: Spider is able to perfectly adjust and balance himself on any object. He is able to walk on a long, thin wire. *Adhesion: Spider has the ability to climb on walls due to the radiated black widow. This power has not yet be established. *Spider-Sense: Spider has a sixth sense which warns him of danger, or can be used like a radar. Spider has complete control over this ability. **Psychological Awareness of Environment: Spider's spider-sense could be used to psychically see his surrounding environment, even when blinded or in extremely dark conditions, allowing him to navigate without worry. Even under normal conditions, his spider-sense helps him navigate darkened rooms, instinctively avoiding obstacles or hazards, or potentially noisy or unstable floorboards and walls or ceilings that may betray his presence. With his spider-sense, Spider can ascertain non-threatening information, such as detecting the concealed presence of loved ones. **Radio Frequency Detection: Spider's spider-sense could also be used to detect certain radio frequencies. Spider's technical skill was such that he had designed spider-tracers that broadcast a signal detectable by his Spider-Sense. *Psychic Alignment with Arthropods: Spider's spider-sense started creating a psychic alignment with his environment, especially with other arachnids and insects, and a more empathic and sympathetic relationship with spiders. He is able to communicate with them directly or command them. *Night Vision: Spider-Man's vision had been enhanced to the point that he is able to see clearly at night, or at least in very dim lighting. *Vibration and Air Current Sense via Hair and Webbing: Spider also possessed the ability to sense vibrations and currents of air transmitted on the hairs on his arm or on his web lines. He could utilize this to find beings or objects within buildings or other places by the vibrations they emit when moving. *Biological/Organic Webbing Generation: Spider was gifted with the ability to organically produce his own silk webbing from glands within his forearms. These organic webs had many of the same properties as 616 Spider-Man's artificial webbing, though they required five hours to decay rather than decomposing within two hours. The silk was released through a spinneret near each wrist containing a central web spigot orifice used for web-slinging and drag lines, supplemented by several radial minor spigots for other types of webs connected to specialized glands. *Poisonous Stingers: Spider developed retractable, poisonous, razor-sharp stingers that were located within his arms that released a polyamine venom, causing direct trauma and/or flaccid paralysis via interference with nerve impulse transmission. A typical injection could paralyze a normal adult human for several hours. Parker had subconsciously extended his stingers in response to stress and was learning greater control.
  • Earth-12
  • Adventurer, formerly assassin.
  • Bullet proof costume, utility belt, smoke bombs, spider tracers, various others
  • Male
  • Peter Parker
  • OK, Gargan, I want answers NOW!
  • Unlike his 616 counterpart, this Peter lived with his parents and visited his Uncle Ben and Aunt May very often. Another difference between the two peters was that he was one the most athletic, popular teen in school.