  • Anur Vladias
  • Anur Vladias was the original homeworld of the Vladats. Very little is known about this planet, only that the Vladats were indigenous to this world, before the Transylians wiped them out and made the planet a dead zone. All life was purged from the world during the Vladat extermination. Anur Vladias is itself an undead planet. No life can exist there; not even the hardiest life - not Celestialsapiens, nor Ectonurites, nor water bears. So powerful is the undeath of the planet, merely being in its orbit will begin to drain the life force of the living.
  • Anur Vladias is a planet in the Anur System and the former home planet of the Vladats.
  • Anur Vladias was the original homeworld of the Vladats. Very little is known about this planet, only that the Vladats were indigenous to this world, before the Transylians wiped them out and made the planet a dead zone. All life was purged from the world during the Vladat extermination. Anur Vladias is itself an undead planet. No life can exist there; not even the hardiest life - not Celestialsapiens, nor Ectonurites, nor water bears. So powerful is the undeath of the planet, merely being in its orbit will begin to drain the life force of the living.
  • Anur Vladias is a planet in the Anur System and the former home planet of the Vladats.
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