  • Ziplines
  • Such equipment can range from the Hookblade of the Ottoman Assassins to even a tomahawk as employed by the Kanien'kehá:ka Assassin Ratonhnhaké:ton. The rope launcher utilized by the British Assassins in the Victorian era essentially functioned as a portable zipline. By ziplining, Assassins are able to ease their navigation across cities, as well as provide themselves with more opportunities to strike from above.
  • Such equipment can range from the Hookblade of the Ottoman Assassins to even a tomahawk as employed by the Kanien'kehá:ka Assassin Ratonhnhaké:ton. The rope launcher utilized by the British Assassins in the Victorian era essentially functioned as a portable zipline. By ziplining, Assassins are able to ease their navigation across cities, as well as provide themselves with more opportunities to strike from above.