  • Take a Third Option
  • Sometimes a hero faces an agonizing decision where the apparent two choices are terrible, such as a "Friend or Idol?" Decision or a Sadistic Choice. Typically, the hero chooses the lesser of two evils. However, sometimes the hero can respond with, "I don't like those choices, I'm taking a third option!" It is usually something completely unorthodox or seemingly suicidal. Yet this typically turns out to be the best choice after all, and the day is saved completely. Compare Loophole Abuse and Steal the Surroundings, which can be used to utilize this trope. Examples of Take a Third Option include:
  • Sometimes a hero faces an agonizing decision where the apparent two choices are terrible, such as a "Friend or Idol?" Decision or a Sadistic Choice. Typically, the hero chooses the lesser of two evils. However, sometimes the hero can respond with, "I don't like those choices, I'm taking a third option!" It is usually something completely unorthodox or seemingly suicidal. Yet this typically turns out to be the best choice after all, and the day is saved completely. Note that this will usually either be incredibly awesome, if the scriptwriters are clever, or incredibly stupid, if they're not. Deciding which examples are which is an exercise left to the reader. This can be the hidden solution to a Secret Test of Character. It's also one way to resolve a Debate and Switch and the only one of Cutting the Knot. If done poorly, it may fall victim to the Golden Mean Fallacy. Sometimes it's triggered by Heads-Tails-Edge. When the options are different sides in a conflict, taking a third option may lead to becoming Omnicidal Neutral. In most Power Trio scenarios, when The Spock advocates one course of action and The McCoy insists upon the other, The Kirk will be particularly fond of using this method as a solution to the problem of the week. This is also the best way to deal with a Xanatos Gambit. A true Magnificent Bastard will have anticipated that, though. Not entirely related to Third Option Adaptation, except by the fact that the producers decided to Take a Third Option in order to avoid neither of the previous options look correct. Compare Loophole Abuse and Steal the Surroundings, which can be used to utilize this trope. Examples of Take a Third Option include: