  • LaFleur
  • LaFleur
  • LaFleur
  • LaFleur
  • Lafleur
  • LaFleur
  • LaFleur
  • LaFleur
  • Sawyer perpetrates a lie to the Horace of the DHARMA Initiative in order to remain on the island with Juliet, Jin, Miles and Daniel. Three years later, Sawyer acts as "LaFleur, Head of Security" within the DHARMA Initiative.
  • "[[|]]" es el octavo episodio de la quinta temporada de Lost y el 94 de toda la serie. Fue emitido el miércoles 4 de marzo de 2009 en Estados Unidos. Cuenta el destino de los que se quedaron en la isla después de que Locke moviese la rueda, cuando Sawyer, Juliet, y los demás se encuentran con la Iniciativa Dharma.
  • LaFleur is the eighth episode of season 5 of Lost. James "Sawyer" Ford is featured in the episode's flashbacks, which show island events.
  • "LaFleur" is the eighth episode of Season 5 of Lost and the ninety-fourth produced hour of the series as a whole. It was originally broadcast on March 4, 2009. The fate of those left on the Island after Locke turned the wheel is revealed, as Sawyer, Juliet, and company meet the DHARMA Initiative.
  • «LaFleur» - восьмая серия пятого сезона и 94-я серия сериала Lost, которая вышла на телеэкраны США 4 марта 2009 года. В России на Первом канале она впервые была показана 25 октября 2009 года. Поворот колеса Локком переносит выживших в 1974 год и заканчивает перемещения во времени. Сойер, Джульет, Фарадей, Майлз и Джин встречают работников Проекта Дхарма. Флэшфорвард относится к 1977 году и рассказывает о трудовых буднях выживших в Проекта Дхарма и встрече с шестёркой Ошеаник.
  • thumb|left|Tajemniczy monument. Po przebłysku Sawyer otwiera oczy i widzi, że trzyma linę od studni która wchodzi w ziemię ponieważ sama studnia zniknęła w nowym czasie. Wściekły Sawyer obawia się o zdrowie i życie Johna który wraz z przebłyskiem spadł na dno studni. W tym czasie towarzysze Forda zastanawiają się w jak odległym czasie się znajdują skoro studnia nie została jeszcze nawet zbudowana. Nagle Miles zauważa pomiędzy drzewami olbrzymi skalny monument. W tym czasie kilkadziesiąt metrów pod ziemią John Locke z pomocą Christiana Sheparda przenosi Wyspę.
  • |} Escrito por Exibido em Exibido em Elenco Convidados especiais Convidados Co-estrelado por Não creditados Imagens arquivadas "LaFleur" é o oitavo episódio da 5ª Temporada e o 94º episódio de Lost; foi ao ar no dia 04 de Março de 2009. Sawyer planeja uma mentira com alguns dos outros sobreviventes da ilha na tentativa de proteger a eles mesmos de erros do passado.
  • Lafleur was a female Starfleet ensign who served aboard the Federation starship USS Okinawa as the flight controller. In the year 2362, Ensign Lafleur was aboard the Okinawa when it engaged two Tzenkethi marauders. (ST - Typhon Pact novel: Rough Beasts of Empire)
  • Captain LaFleur was a Belgian military medical officer in East Africa, under the command of Colonel Mathieu. In December 1916, LaFleur was assigned to be the doctor on the expedition across from the Belgian camp in German East Africa to Cape Lopez to pick up a shipment of machine guns, mortars and howitzers needed for the taking of Tabora. Under the leadership of Major Boucher and Captain Henri Defense (Indiana Jones), he tended to the sick among the expedition - diagnosing tropical diseases, and distributing medicine.
  • If there's one thing the kids of Clint City don't joke about, it's Dodgeball. The frenzied matches of the junior league push every child to try their very best to be the last left standing on the pitch. And out of all these children, young LaFleur was undoubtedly one of the sport's most talented players. So imagine her surprise when she discovered there was no adult Dodgeball league as it wasn’t thought to be a "real" sport"! However, refusing to be discouraged by this turn of events, the determined young lady presented Eyrton with a rock solid plan so he would agree to give her the necessary funds to create an even more spectacular and technical version of Dodgeball. After several experimental phases, the new version presented by LaFleur integrated a complex system of anti-gravity trampol
  • Quando la luce scompare Sawyer scopre che la fune che sta reggendo scompare ora nel terreno: il Pozzo che conduce alla Stazione Orchidea non è ancora stato ancora costruito. Arrabbiato Sawyer comincia a scavare, chiamando John a gran voce, e chiede ai compagni di aiutarlo. Juliet gli dice che ora loro non possono più fare nulla per John: si trovano infatti in un tempo che sembra antecedente alla costruzione del pozzo. Miles commenta che si trovano molto nel passato: i suoi compagni seguono il suo sguardo diretto verso l’orizzonte e notano quella il dorso di una gigantesca statua. La Statua sembra reggere in mano un gigantesco Ankh, un antico simbolo egizio. Nel frattempo, nei sotterranei, Locke sistema la ruota ghiacciata nel proprio asse e sposta l’Isola un’altra volta: una luce accecante
  • 5
  • 6
  • 7
  • 5
  • 2506.0
numero episodio
  • 8
data FOX
  • 2009-05-18
numero stagione
  • 5
data RAI
  • 2009-08-10
data ABC
  • 2009-03-04
  • 8
  • 5
  • --10-25
num temp
  • 5
  • "LaFleur"
  • LaFleur-Sawyer.png
Titolo originale
  • LaFleur
ep num
  • 8
season num
  • 5
  • 4
  • --03-04
  • 2584.0
  • LaFleur
  • Rare
  • LaFleur transcript
  • Naveen Andrews
  • Sayid Jarrah
  • Daniel Dae Kim - Jin-Soo Kwon
  • Evangeline Lilly - Kate Austen
  • Jorge Garcia - Hugo Reyes
  • Josh Holloway - James Ford
  • Matthew Fox - Jack Shephard
  • Terry O'Quinn - John Locke
  • Yunjin Kim - Sun-Hwa Kwon*
  • * ''Did not appear in the episode.
  • Elizabeth Mitchell - Juliet Burke
  • Jeremy Davies - Daniel Faraday
  • Ken Leung - Miles Straume
  • Henry Ian Cusick - Desmond Hume*
  • Michael Emerson - Benjamin Linus*
  • 2009-03-04
  • "LaFleur"
  • 5
  • Chalpert.jpg
  • Dancceit.jpg
  • FenceIt.jpg
  • Hostage.jpg
  • LoveAfterLove.jpg
  • Meetup.jpg
  • Sawyer_recieves_a_call_from_Jin.jpg
  • SnellenChart.jpg
  • StayHere.jpg
  • "LaFleur"
  • LaFleur
  • 1
  • 108
Character Name
  • LaFleur
  • Cancel opp dmg modif
  • 200
Air Date
  • 4
  • 2009-03-04
  • Sawyer508.png
  • left
  • right
  • All Stars
  • 5
  • Julho de 1977
  • 1
  • Doctor
  • Military
  • 2015-12-24
  • Female
  • Male
  • 1916-12-25
  • The survivors follow Amy and walk into the range of the sonar fence.
  • Sawyer waits for Jin and his fellow castaways at the North Valley
  • A giant statue, as seen from the Orchid well by Sawyer, Jin, Juliet and Miles.
  • Amy in front of a Snellen chart.
  • Amy pleads for her life with two Others.
  • Sawyer talks to Alpert about the Truce, Jughead and Locke.
  • Jerry and Rosie dancing at the Security Center.
  • Sawyer talks to Juliet about staying on the island.
  • Sawyer and Juliet share a kiss.
  • Sawyer gets a call from Jin.
  • Sawyer is questioned by Horace at the Barracks.
  • Sawyer and Juliet argue over her objections to delivering Amy's baby.
  • James "Sawyer" Ford
  • LaFleur
  • 2506.0
  • 4
  • Nestor Carbonell es Richard Alpert
  • Doug Hutchison es Horace Goodspeed
  • Patrick Fischler es Phil
  • Reiko Aylesworth es Amy
  • Kevin Rankin es Jerry
  • Sawyer perpetrates a lie to the Horace of the DHARMA Initiative in order to remain on the island with Juliet, Jin, Miles and Daniel. Three years later, Sawyer acts as "LaFleur, Head of Security" within the DHARMA Initiative.
  • Captain LaFleur was a Belgian military medical officer in East Africa, under the command of Colonel Mathieu. In December 1916, LaFleur was assigned to be the doctor on the expedition across from the Belgian camp in German East Africa to Cape Lopez to pick up a shipment of machine guns, mortars and howitzers needed for the taking of Tabora. Under the leadership of Major Boucher and Captain Henri Defense (Indiana Jones), he tended to the sick among the expedition - diagnosing tropical diseases, and distributing medicine. At the Ubangi village that had been killed by disease, LaFleur stated that it was smallpox that had killed them, leaving only the Ubangi boy alive. While Boucher suspected smallpox when the soldiers began to get ill, Lafleur diagnosed the men as having yellow fever. When Defense alerted Boucher that the boy was in the camp, LaFleur could not prove that the boy was not a health risk to the soldiers, and so Boucher ordered that the boy be left behind. Near the end of December, LaFleur himself was taken ill with the disease, and died on Christmas Day. He was buried in a mass grave in the jungle, the first of the Belgians to die on the expedition.
  • "[[|]]" es el octavo episodio de la quinta temporada de Lost y el 94 de toda la serie. Fue emitido el miércoles 4 de marzo de 2009 en Estados Unidos. Cuenta el destino de los que se quedaron en la isla después de que Locke moviese la rueda, cuando Sawyer, Juliet, y los demás se encuentran con la Iniciativa Dharma.
  • LaFleur is the eighth episode of season 5 of Lost. James "Sawyer" Ford is featured in the episode's flashbacks, which show island events.
  • Quando la luce scompare Sawyer scopre che la fune che sta reggendo scompare ora nel terreno: il Pozzo che conduce alla Stazione Orchidea non è ancora stato ancora costruito. Arrabbiato Sawyer comincia a scavare, chiamando John a gran voce, e chiede ai compagni di aiutarlo. Juliet gli dice che ora loro non possono più fare nulla per John: si trovano infatti in un tempo che sembra antecedente alla costruzione del pozzo. Miles commenta che si trovano molto nel passato: i suoi compagni seguono il suo sguardo diretto verso l’orizzonte e notano quella il dorso di una gigantesca statua. La Statua sembra reggere in mano un gigantesco Ankh, un antico simbolo egizio. Nel frattempo, nei sotterranei, Locke sistema la ruota ghiacciata nel proprio asse e sposta l’Isola un’altra volta: una luce accecante circonda lui ed i suoi compagni in superficie.
  • "LaFleur" is the eighth episode of Season 5 of Lost and the ninety-fourth produced hour of the series as a whole. It was originally broadcast on March 4, 2009. The fate of those left on the Island after Locke turned the wheel is revealed, as Sawyer, Juliet, and company meet the DHARMA Initiative.
  • «LaFleur» - восьмая серия пятого сезона и 94-я серия сериала Lost, которая вышла на телеэкраны США 4 марта 2009 года. В России на Первом канале она впервые была показана 25 октября 2009 года. Поворот колеса Локком переносит выживших в 1974 год и заканчивает перемещения во времени. Сойер, Джульет, Фарадей, Майлз и Джин встречают работников Проекта Дхарма. Флэшфорвард относится к 1977 году и рассказывает о трудовых буднях выживших в Проекта Дхарма и встрече с шестёркой Ошеаник.
  • thumb|left|Tajemniczy monument. Po przebłysku Sawyer otwiera oczy i widzi, że trzyma linę od studni która wchodzi w ziemię ponieważ sama studnia zniknęła w nowym czasie. Wściekły Sawyer obawia się o zdrowie i życie Johna który wraz z przebłyskiem spadł na dno studni. W tym czasie towarzysze Forda zastanawiają się w jak odległym czasie się znajdują skoro studnia nie została jeszcze nawet zbudowana. Nagle Miles zauważa pomiędzy drzewami olbrzymi skalny monument. W tym czasie kilkadziesiąt metrów pod ziemią John Locke z pomocą Christiana Sheparda przenosi Wyspę.
  • |} Escrito por Exibido em Exibido em Elenco Convidados especiais Convidados Co-estrelado por Não creditados Imagens arquivadas "LaFleur" é o oitavo episódio da 5ª Temporada e o 94º episódio de Lost; foi ao ar no dia 04 de Março de 2009. Sawyer planeja uma mentira com alguns dos outros sobreviventes da ilha na tentativa de proteger a eles mesmos de erros do passado.
  • Lafleur was a female Starfleet ensign who served aboard the Federation starship USS Okinawa as the flight controller. In the year 2362, Ensign Lafleur was aboard the Okinawa when it engaged two Tzenkethi marauders. (ST - Typhon Pact novel: Rough Beasts of Empire)
  • If there's one thing the kids of Clint City don't joke about, it's Dodgeball. The frenzied matches of the junior league push every child to try their very best to be the last left standing on the pitch. And out of all these children, young LaFleur was undoubtedly one of the sport's most talented players. So imagine her surprise when she discovered there was no adult Dodgeball league as it wasn’t thought to be a "real" sport"! However, refusing to be discouraged by this turn of events, the determined young lady presented Eyrton with a rock solid plan so he would agree to give her the necessary funds to create an even more spectacular and technical version of Dodgeball. After several experimental phases, the new version presented by LaFleur integrated a complex system of anti-gravity trampolines, requiring extreme agility, to benefit from the added speed and strength offered. It was the birth of Gravityball.
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