  • Tusken relic cave
  • Tusken Relic Cave
  • Location: (-6982 7072) * Tusken Relic Fanatic * Tusken Relic Guard * Tusken Relic Worshiper Note: Part of the Tusken King pre quest.
  • The Tusken relic cave was a cave complex on the desert planet of Tatooine where a tribe of Tusken Raiders kept their most sacred relics. Sometime after the Battle of Yavin, during the Galactic Civil War—a series of conflicts between the Galactic Empire and the Alliance to Restore the Republic—, three relics were stolen from the cave by a spacer, which provoked the Tuskens to attack Mos Espa in retribution. These relics included a ghastly gaderffii baton, a chieftain's skull, and a krayt dragon head. The cave was located near the Tusken March region of Tatooine.
  • Tusken relic cave
  • Tusken March region, Tatooine
  • Location: (-6982 7072) * Tusken Relic Fanatic * Tusken Relic Guard * Tusken Relic Worshiper Note: Part of the Tusken King pre quest.
  • The Tusken relic cave was a cave complex on the desert planet of Tatooine where a tribe of Tusken Raiders kept their most sacred relics. Sometime after the Battle of Yavin, during the Galactic Civil War—a series of conflicts between the Galactic Empire and the Alliance to Restore the Republic—, three relics were stolen from the cave by a spacer, which provoked the Tuskens to attack Mos Espa in retribution. These relics included a ghastly gaderffii baton, a chieftain's skull, and a krayt dragon head. The cave was located near the Tusken March region of Tatooine.
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