  • Al Gore
  • Al Gore
  • Al Gore
  • Al Gore
  • Al Gore
  • Al Gore
  • Al Gore is a preacher of doomsday theories and runs for a place in the South Pole Council. However almost nobody listens to him and nobody has voted for him yet.
  • __noeditsection__ Albert Arnold "Al" Gore, Jr. (allegedly born March 31, 1948) is purported to be a prominent liberal spokesperson for and inventor of global warming and environmentalism. He is portrayed by the liberal media as an author, a businessperson, former journalist, inventor of the algorithm, and recipient of a scientific prize. According to Wikipedia, he has served as United States Vice President, Senator, and Representative, and has also served as a military journalist during the Vietnam War. However, despite efforts by the liberal media to prove otherwise, there is no completely irrefutable evidence that Al Gore exists.
  • Albert Arnold Schwarzenigga "Al" Gore, Jr. (born September 11th, 2001) (died September 12th, 2001) is an environmental activist and ManBearPig hunter who resides in the USA. He served as Vice President of the USA under Bill Clintion and banged Hillary a total of 482 times, and spends most of his time these days hunting down ManBearPig as well as educating the public on the issue.
  • Gore is the author of several non-fiction books. Two of his more famous books are about the environment: Earth in the Balance: Ecology and the Human Spirit and An Inconvenient Truth: The Planetary Emergency of Global Warming and What We Can Do About It.
  • Al Gore (Buco dell'ozono, 31 marzo 1948 e ¾), noto anche come Al Gordo e Al Macabro, è un industriale capitalista spietato, ricercato in tutto il mondo per i danni inflitti alla natura e alle specie animali e per la promozione e diffusione dei terribili inestetismi della cellulite.
  • Albert Arnold "Al" Gore (March 31, 1948) is a former Vice President of the USA and a published author.
  • Al Gore was the 45th Vice President of the United States under the Clinton administration from 1993 until 2001, and ran for president against George Bush in 2000. He's most notable within the series for trying to alert people of Manbearpig, though he also appears once during his vice presidency and later to sue the town.
  • Al Gore is a super cereal politician and the man who discovered Manbearpig. Today, he warns people about the dangers of Manbearpig.
  • Alberto la Sanga, barbarlingve Al Gore, estis prezidunto de Usono. Nuntempe li laboras apud la Papo kiel predikanto de la mondofino. Dum la malfrua 18-a jarcento li ekis la kreadon de la Usona Demokratia Partio. Aliaj inventaĵoj de Gore inkluzivas la kalkulilon, Neciklopedion, Holivudon, Volapukon, la estontecon kaj la Nobelpremion. En 2000 li klopodis iĝi la unua nerda prezidento de Usono, sed George Bush pugnis lin kaj rabis lian lunĉmonon.
  • Al Gore was raised by hippies and was introduced to weed when his parents smoked it in his face. He then starting to believe that all of the smokers were making the temperature of the Earth rise. He started doing hippy things from then on.
  • Albert Arnold Gore, Jr. o Al Gore (Washington D. C.; 31 de marzo de 1948) es un político y ecologista estadounidense. Fue el cuadragésimo quinto Vicepresidente de los Estados Unidos bajo la presidencia de Bill Clinton y candidato a la presidencia del país en el 2000, cuando "perdió" las elecciones presidenciales frente a George W. Bush. En 2007 fue galardonado con el Premio Nobel de la Paz, por su contribución a la reflexión y acción mundial contra el cambio climático (antes denominado calentamiento global), y con el Premio Príncipe de Asturias de Cooperación Internacional.
  • Albert Arnold "Al" Gore was the 45th Vice President of the United States, as well as the Democratic presidential candidate for the 2000 US presidential election, and an early proponent of legislation that would aid the development of the Internet. He was cheated out of winning the election by the Supreme Court which ruled against a recount of votes in Florida in spite of the fact that a recount was required by Florida Law and upheld by the Florida State Supreme Court. This is both an example of conservative deceit and of rampant conservative judicial activism. Democracy failed [1].
  • Albert Arnold "Al" Gore, Jr. (born March 31, 1948) was the Vice President of the United States. He is also an activist and an author. He provided the voice himself in several Futurama episodes. On the show, his head is the First Emperor of the Moon and claims to have "ridden the mighty moon worm." He is also the face of the $500 Earthican bill. His daughter, Kristin Gore, is a writer on the show.
  • Albert Arnold "Al" Gore is an American politician, advocate and philanthropist, who served as the 45th Vice President of the United States from 1993 to 2001 under President Bill Clinton. He also was the Democratic representative in the 2000 presidental election, losing the Presidency to Republican George W. Bush (the son of former President George H.W. Bush) in one of the closest historicial elections (the electoral votes being 271-266).
  • Al Gore (1946-) ran for president in 2000. He also hosted SNL in 2002. He was Vice President from 1993-2001. He was impersonated by Darrell Hammond
  • Albert Arnold "Al" Gore, Jr. (born March 31, 1948) is an American environmental activist who served as the 45th Vice President of the United States from 1993 to 2001 under President Bill Clinton. He is an author, businessperson, Nobel Peace Prize laureate, and former journalist. Gore also starred in the 2006 documentary An Inconvenient Truth, which won an Academy Award in 2007. He also wrote the book An Inconvenient Truth: The Planetary Emergency of Global Warming and What We Can Do About It, which won a Grammy Award for Best Spoken Word Album in February, 2009. Gore was involved in American politics for 24 years, serving first in the U.S. House of Representatives (1977–85) and later in the U. S. Senate (1985–93) (representing Tennessee) before becoming vice president. Gore was the Democra
  • In "Mr. Griffin Goes to Washington", he goes with George W. Bush, Dick Armey, and Peter to The Oval Orifice where he confirms to Peter that he has their support in the upcoming anti-smoking bill. In this appearance he was voiced by Seth MacFarlane. In "Meet the Quagmires", Peter creates an alternate timeline, where Al Gore is the President of the United States instead of George W. Bush, which results an Utopian world. He institutes universal health care, strict gun laws, and found Osama bin Laden hidden on the set of MADtv, and killed him.
  • Al Gore (b. 1948) is an American politician, teacher, businessman, and environmentalist. From 1993 to 2001, he was the 45th Vice President of the United States under the Clinton administration. Gore had served in the United States House of Representatives (1977–85) and the United States Senate (1985–93) representing Tennessee. He was the Democratic nominee for President in the 2000 election — but lost the electoral vote to George W. Bush. Today, Gore is president of the American television channel Current TV, chairman of Generation Investment Management, a director on the board of Apple Inc., and an adviser to Google's senior management. He lectures widely on the topic of global warming, which he calls "the climate crisis." In 2006, he starred in the Academy Award-winning documentary, An I
  • On February 25, 2007 Al Gore knelt before a golden idol in Babylon in front of a crowd of his commie fans. So what, Al? And who cares that you got another award from a bunch of Peace-nicks in Norway? Everyone knows they're hippies anyways! That still doesn't mean there is such a thing as man-made global warming, loser. He is a ManBearPig hunting, Liberal, Terrorist, Democrat; he represents everything that is wrong with anti-abortion.
  • left|thumb|200px|Alík prezentuje jednu z knih své ženy [[Soubor:Tippergore.jpg|thumb|200px|Al byl nemocný, zaskočila hlava rodiny]] thumb|200px|Tipper Goreová sehnala pro Alovo povzbuzení speciální toaletní papír Al "Ma"Gore (Václavem Klausem přezdívaný El Idiotismo, manželkou zase Alík) je nejvýznamnějším světovým ekoteroristou, za což byl nedávno oceněn Nobelovou cenou. Když si ji chtěl doma vystavit, zabavila mu ji manželka Tipper, která ovládá celou jeho politickou kariéru (mimochodem byl to její nápad pořídit si do domácnosti toaletní papír s obrázky Václava Klause). Tipper Gore také pod jménem svého manžela vydala několik publikací, z nichž nejvýznamnější - Nepříjemná pravda - kritizuje fakt, že dochází dřevo na výrobu toaletních papírů.
  • If you are dissatisfied with the current crop of Democratic predidential candidates, including the ones being shoved down our throats by the corportate media, consider signing this petition to draft Al Gore! Unlike some other candidates, Gore does not suffer from poll ratings with high negatives, lack of experience on the national scene, or lack of foreign policy experience. It is NOT too late (and will not be for some time to come) for Al Gore to enter the race and win the nomination. By the time next fall arrives, Hillary, Obama, and Edwards will be old news. *
  • Gore was supported by the Assassins in his campaign, but he lost to George W. Bush, a pawn of the Templars. One of the contributing factors to Gore's loss was the Templar sleeper agent Daniel Cross, who infiltrated the Assassin Order and killed "the Mentor", dealing a great blow to the Brotherhood and Gore's backing. Afterwards, Cross returned to the Templars with the locations of almost all of the secret Assassin compounds, hidden across the globe, which resulted in the destruction of many Assassins. This forced them to lose their grip on the election, leaving Bush to gain the upper hand.
  • Albert Arnold Gore II, conoseda como Al Gore, ia nase a 31 marte 1948. El ia es la vise-presidente de la Statos Unida de America de 1993 a 2001, servinte su presidente Bill Clinton. Gore ia servi ance en la Casa de Representes de la SUA de 1977 a 1985, e en la Senato de la SUA de 1985 a 1993, representente Tennessee. El ia es la aspirante per presidente en la vota de 2000. El gania la majoria de votas, ma ultima perdente la compete a la aspirante de la parte Republican, George W. Bush tra un deside par la Corte Suprema de la SUA.
  • -100000000
  • 220
Primera aparición
  • Masculino
  • Politico
  • Negro
  • 64
  • Bad, stupid
  • 20
  • Politician
  • Writter
  • Enviromental activist
  • Former vice president
  • Albert Arnold Gore, Jr.
  • Bean Human
  • 3669164
  • 3674026
  • 2009-03-02
  • 2009-03-05
  • South Park: The Stick of Truth
Voiced by
  • Preaching doomsday theories
  • Black
  • Brown
  • Al Gore
  • Albert Arnold Gore
  • Albert Arnold "Al" Gore
  • 1948-03-31
  • Bottom: Al Gore today.
  • Mr. Gore
  • Top: Al Gore before 2000.
regular or guest
  • Guest
  • Human
  • Oh bummer, it's
  • Education
  • Religion
  • Political Party
  • Born
  • almost everybody
  • Baptist
  • Albert Arnold Gore II
  • 27917795
  • Preaching doomsday theories
  • Global warming, money, doomsday theories
  • Himself, Bill Gate$, anyone who listens to him
  • Estadounidense
  • Male
  • Good except mentally insane
  • Bean Human/homo sapiens doofus
  • 1948-03-31
  • Standing on a toilet seat
wikipage disambiguates
  • 1948-03-31
  • Harvard University
  • Baptist
dia de nase
  • 31
loca de nase
  • Politiciste
  • Al Gore is a preacher of doomsday theories and runs for a place in the South Pole Council. However almost nobody listens to him and nobody has voted for him yet.
  • __noeditsection__ Albert Arnold "Al" Gore, Jr. (allegedly born March 31, 1948) is purported to be a prominent liberal spokesperson for and inventor of global warming and environmentalism. He is portrayed by the liberal media as an author, a businessperson, former journalist, inventor of the algorithm, and recipient of a scientific prize. According to Wikipedia, he has served as United States Vice President, Senator, and Representative, and has also served as a military journalist during the Vietnam War. However, despite efforts by the liberal media to prove otherwise, there is no completely irrefutable evidence that Al Gore exists.
  • Albert Arnold "Al" Gore, Jr. (born March 31, 1948) is an American environmental activist who served as the 45th Vice President of the United States from 1993 to 2001 under President Bill Clinton. He is an author, businessperson, Nobel Peace Prize laureate, and former journalist. Gore also starred in the 2006 documentary An Inconvenient Truth, which won an Academy Award in 2007. He also wrote the book An Inconvenient Truth: The Planetary Emergency of Global Warming and What We Can Do About It, which won a Grammy Award for Best Spoken Word Album in February, 2009. Gore was involved in American politics for 24 years, serving first in the U.S. House of Representatives (1977–85) and later in the U. S. Senate (1985–93) (representing Tennessee) before becoming vice president. Gore was the Democratic nominee for president in the 2000 presidential election. He won the popular vote by approximately 500,000 votes, but ultimately lost the electoral college to Republican candidate George W. Bush when the legal controversy over the Florida election recount was eventually settled in the U.S. Supreme Court by a 5-4 margin in favor of Bush. Gore is the recipient of a number of awards. He and the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change were jointly awarded the Nobel Peace Prize in 2007. Gore received a Primetime Emmy Award for Current TV in 2007, and a Webby Award in 2005. Time named Gore as a runner-up for its 2007 Person of the Year. He is currently the founder and chair of Alliance for Climate Protection, the co-founder and chair of Generation Investment Management, the co-founder and chair of Current TV, a member of the Board of Directors of Apple Inc., and a senior advisor to Google. He is also a partner in the venture capital firm, Kleiner Perkins Caufield & Byers, heading that firm's climate change solutions group In addition, Gore is on the faculty of Middle Tennessee State University as a visiting professor, and was a visiting professor at Columbia University Graduate School of Journalism, Fisk University, and the University of California, Los Angeles.
  • Albert Arnold Schwarzenigga "Al" Gore, Jr. (born September 11th, 2001) (died September 12th, 2001) is an environmental activist and ManBearPig hunter who resides in the USA. He served as Vice President of the USA under Bill Clintion and banged Hillary a total of 482 times, and spends most of his time these days hunting down ManBearPig as well as educating the public on the issue.
  • If you are dissatisfied with the current crop of Democratic predidential candidates, including the ones being shoved down our throats by the corportate media, consider signing this petition to draft Al Gore! Unlike some other candidates, Gore does not suffer from poll ratings with high negatives, lack of experience on the national scene, or lack of foreign policy experience. It is NOT too late (and will not be for some time to come) for Al Gore to enter the race and win the nomination. By the time next fall arrives, Hillary, Obama, and Edwards will be old news. He was right on the War and is right on the environment. So let's get Big Al in the race; it's the right thing to do. * (In the two weeks since I signed, the petition has picked up over 4,000 signatures.)
  • Gore is the author of several non-fiction books. Two of his more famous books are about the environment: Earth in the Balance: Ecology and the Human Spirit and An Inconvenient Truth: The Planetary Emergency of Global Warming and What We Can Do About It.
  • Al Gore (Buco dell'ozono, 31 marzo 1948 e ¾), noto anche come Al Gordo e Al Macabro, è un industriale capitalista spietato, ricercato in tutto il mondo per i danni inflitti alla natura e alle specie animali e per la promozione e diffusione dei terribili inestetismi della cellulite.
  • Albert Arnold "Al" Gore (March 31, 1948) is a former Vice President of the USA and a published author.
  • Al Gore was the 45th Vice President of the United States under the Clinton administration from 1993 until 2001, and ran for president against George Bush in 2000. He's most notable within the series for trying to alert people of Manbearpig, though he also appears once during his vice presidency and later to sue the town.
  • Al Gore is a super cereal politician and the man who discovered Manbearpig. Today, he warns people about the dangers of Manbearpig.
  • Alberto la Sanga, barbarlingve Al Gore, estis prezidunto de Usono. Nuntempe li laboras apud la Papo kiel predikanto de la mondofino. Dum la malfrua 18-a jarcento li ekis la kreadon de la Usona Demokratia Partio. Aliaj inventaĵoj de Gore inkluzivas la kalkulilon, Neciklopedion, Holivudon, Volapukon, la estontecon kaj la Nobelpremion. En 2000 li klopodis iĝi la unua nerda prezidento de Usono, sed George Bush pugnis lin kaj rabis lian lunĉmonon.
  • Gore was supported by the Assassins in his campaign, but he lost to George W. Bush, a pawn of the Templars. One of the contributing factors to Gore's loss was the Templar sleeper agent Daniel Cross, who infiltrated the Assassin Order and killed "the Mentor", dealing a great blow to the Brotherhood and Gore's backing. Afterwards, Cross returned to the Templars with the locations of almost all of the secret Assassin compounds, hidden across the globe, which resulted in the destruction of many Assassins. This forced them to lose their grip on the election, leaving Bush to gain the upper hand. The news was given to the public that Gore had won the popular vote, but he had lost the election to Bush. Secretly, however, this was the result of the Templars' manipulation of the electoral college results of Florida, amongst other states.
  • Al Gore was raised by hippies and was introduced to weed when his parents smoked it in his face. He then starting to believe that all of the smokers were making the temperature of the Earth rise. He started doing hippy things from then on.
  • On February 25, 2007 Al Gore knelt before a golden idol in Babylon in front of a crowd of his commie fans. So what, Al? And who cares that you got another award from a bunch of Peace-nicks in Norway? Everyone knows they're hippies anyways! That still doesn't mean there is such a thing as man-made global warming, loser. Al Gore is the beloved leader of the welfare people, father of the proletariat and the Democratic Party. As such, Comrade Gore tries to promote his anti-Jesus socialist agenda behind the guise of global warming, trying to destroy world economies by stopping them from having the God-given right to add 0.03% more greenhouse gas to the atmosphere thereby frying the Earth till ordinary Americans are cozy rather than just liberal elites superior essays. His fuck-buddies are Fidel Castro, Osama bin Laden and Bismarck's preserved spleen. He is a ManBearPig hunting, Liberal, Terrorist, Democrat; he represents everything that is wrong with anti-abortion.
  • Albert Arnold Gore, Jr. o Al Gore (Washington D. C.; 31 de marzo de 1948) es un político y ecologista estadounidense. Fue el cuadragésimo quinto Vicepresidente de los Estados Unidos bajo la presidencia de Bill Clinton y candidato a la presidencia del país en el 2000, cuando "perdió" las elecciones presidenciales frente a George W. Bush. En 2007 fue galardonado con el Premio Nobel de la Paz, por su contribución a la reflexión y acción mundial contra el cambio climático (antes denominado calentamiento global), y con el Premio Príncipe de Asturias de Cooperación Internacional.
  • left|thumb|200px|Alík prezentuje jednu z knih své ženy [[Soubor:Tippergore.jpg|thumb|200px|Al byl nemocný, zaskočila hlava rodiny]] thumb|200px|Tipper Goreová sehnala pro Alovo povzbuzení speciální toaletní papír Al "Ma"Gore (Václavem Klausem přezdívaný El Idiotismo, manželkou zase Alík) je nejvýznamnějším světovým ekoteroristou, za což byl nedávno oceněn Nobelovou cenou. Když si ji chtěl doma vystavit, zabavila mu ji manželka Tipper, která ovládá celou jeho politickou kariéru (mimochodem byl to její nápad pořídit si do domácnosti toaletní papír s obrázky Václava Klause). Tipper Gore také pod jménem svého manžela vydala několik publikací, z nichž nejvýznamnější - Nepříjemná pravda - kritizuje fakt, že dochází dřevo na výrobu toaletních papírů. Al Gore se také poslední dobou zapojuje do tajného pátrání po mýtickém a nebezpečném zvířeti známém pod jménem "Manbearpig" 150px
  • In "Mr. Griffin Goes to Washington", he goes with George W. Bush, Dick Armey, and Peter to The Oval Orifice where he confirms to Peter that he has their support in the upcoming anti-smoking bill. In this appearance he was voiced by Seth MacFarlane. In "Meet the Quagmires", Peter creates an alternate timeline, where Al Gore is the President of the United States instead of George W. Bush, which results an Utopian world. He institutes universal health care, strict gun laws, and found Osama bin Laden hidden on the set of MADtv, and killed him. In "FOX-y Lady", Fox News Channel reveals they have built a button that activates a machine that only Al Gore can hear, and when Gore complains, his wife Tipper doesn't believe him. In this appearance he is voiced by Ed Helms.
  • Albert Arnold Gore II, conoseda como Al Gore, ia nase a 31 marte 1948. El ia es la vise-presidente de la Statos Unida de America de 1993 a 2001, servinte su presidente Bill Clinton. Gore ia servi ance en la Casa de Representes de la SUA de 1977 a 1985, e en la Senato de la SUA de 1985 a 1993, representente Tennessee. El ia es la aspirante per presidente en la vota de 2000. El gania la majoria de votas, ma ultima perdente la compete a la aspirante de la parte Republican, George W. Bush tra un deside par la Corte Suprema de la SUA. Gore es un ativiste famos per la causa de la ambiente. Per se laboras, el reseta la Premio Nobel de Pas en 2007, con la Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change ("La discute intergovernal de cambia de clima"). El ia produi e ata en la filma atestante de la caldi mundal, An Inconvenient Truth ("Un veria nonconveninte"). En 2007, Gore ia organiza la conserta beneficante de 7 julio per la consensia de caldi mundal, Live Earth ("Tera vivante").
  • Albert Arnold "Al" Gore was the 45th Vice President of the United States, as well as the Democratic presidential candidate for the 2000 US presidential election, and an early proponent of legislation that would aid the development of the Internet. He was cheated out of winning the election by the Supreme Court which ruled against a recount of votes in Florida in spite of the fact that a recount was required by Florida Law and upheld by the Florida State Supreme Court. This is both an example of conservative deceit and of rampant conservative judicial activism. Democracy failed [1].
  • Albert Arnold "Al" Gore, Jr. (born March 31, 1948) was the Vice President of the United States. He is also an activist and an author. He provided the voice himself in several Futurama episodes. On the show, his head is the First Emperor of the Moon and claims to have "ridden the mighty moon worm." He is also the face of the $500 Earthican bill. His daughter, Kristin Gore, is a writer on the show.
  • Albert Arnold "Al" Gore is an American politician, advocate and philanthropist, who served as the 45th Vice President of the United States from 1993 to 2001 under President Bill Clinton. He also was the Democratic representative in the 2000 presidental election, losing the Presidency to Republican George W. Bush (the son of former President George H.W. Bush) in one of the closest historicial elections (the electoral votes being 271-266).
  • Al Gore (b. 1948) is an American politician, teacher, businessman, and environmentalist. From 1993 to 2001, he was the 45th Vice President of the United States under the Clinton administration. Gore had served in the United States House of Representatives (1977–85) and the United States Senate (1985–93) representing Tennessee. He was the Democratic nominee for President in the 2000 election — but lost the electoral vote to George W. Bush. Today, Gore is president of the American television channel Current TV, chairman of Generation Investment Management, a director on the board of Apple Inc., and an adviser to Google's senior management. He lectures widely on the topic of global warming, which he calls "the climate crisis." In 2006, he starred in the Academy Award-winning documentary, An Inconvenient Truth, discussing global warming and the environment. In 2006, Gore received the The Jim Henson Celebration Honor. The former Vice President received the highest honor that year for his "tireless efforts to educate audiences everywhere about the effects of global warming, and articulating his message in a compelling and powerful way that inspires action." “The Jim Henson Honors embrace the creativity and inspiration all around us. These honorees remind us that in whatever we do there can be beauty and joy that makes the world a better place...Mr. Gore has shown commitment to a message and has articulated that message in a creative way that has inspired discussion, debate and action. Our employees and artists have been impressed by his call to action as I am sure many others have as well.”—Lisa Henson While he has not yet appeared directly with the Muppets, Gore appeared as part of the Inaugural Celebration for Children in 1994 along with the Clintons, the Muppets and others. When Katie Couric quit as show host for The Today Show on NBC, there was a segment where first Al Gore, then Harry Connick Jr., and finally Kermit the Frog and Miss Piggy, sent her their best wishes. (video link) Al Gore was a speaker at a New York State United Teachers (NYSUT) conference in April 2007, at which he was honored alongside Sesame Workshop CEO Gary Knell for their contributions to education. Kyle Dean Pruett served as direct consultant to Gore for the White House Conference Men in Children's Lives and National Fatherhood Initiative as well as a founding member of the Sesame Beginnings advisory board. Gore was also involved with the Better World Society, during its tenure. Gore's wife, Tipper Gore, contributed a recipe for In the Kitchen with Miss Piggy.
  • Al Gore (1946-) ran for president in 2000. He also hosted SNL in 2002. He was Vice President from 1993-2001. He was impersonated by Darrell Hammond
is Voiced by of
is leader name of
is Before of
is Voices of of
is C of
is also appearing of