  • Masami Hirukawa
  • Masami has also hired Alice as a prostitute and pressures her to engage in roleplay calling him "Daddy". This is revealed to serious implications as he mentions his wife and 17 year old (meaning he had her when he was 31 years old) daughter to his colleagues later on, and Taeko discovers files on her computer in the trashbin linked to a hidden camera. He is being blackmailed by a criminal named Makabe who wants increasingly large amounts of money from him. This makes him resort to burglary.
  • Masami has also hired Alice as a prostitute and pressures her to engage in roleplay calling him "Daddy". This is revealed to serious implications as he mentions his wife and 17 year old (meaning he had her when he was 31 years old) daughter to his colleagues later on, and Taeko discovers files on her computer in the trashbin linked to a hidden camera. He is being blackmailed by a criminal named Makabe who wants increasingly large amounts of money from him. This makes him resort to burglary.