  • Protect the Weak
  • Kratos must prevent the Translator from getting killed before the time limit expires. All the while, enemies will continually attack Kratos and the Translator. In the Challenge, Kratos fights Sirens, Rabid Hounds, Satyrs and Cyclopes.
  • Kratos must prevent the Translator from getting killed before the time limit expires. All the while, enemies will continually attack Kratos and the Translator. In the Challenge, Kratos fights Sirens, Rabid Hounds, Satyrs and Cyclopes. The Translator is kept safe whenever he is placed inside a glowing ring. When he is not inside the ring, he loses health. As the challenge progresses however, the ring shifts locations. There is also a Fates Statue however, which makes the Challenge much easier, so you must use the Amulet of the Fates to slow time to save the Translator and carry him to the next glowing ring. When all the enemies are eliminated, the challenge will automatically end.