  • Godzilla Railflip
  • Here's how to Godzilla Railflip. 1. Stand in Primo 2. Set your front foot in Kickflip position, and your back foot on the tail. 3) Put pressure on the tail. 4) Jump up with all your weight on your back foot. 5) The board now flips a Double Varial Railflip 6) If you see the grip, catch the board. 7) Bend your knees for style.
  • Here's how to Godzilla Railflip. 1. Stand in Primo 2. Set your front foot in Kickflip position, and your back foot on the tail. 3) Put pressure on the tail. 4) Jump up with all your weight on your back foot. 5) The board now flips a Double Varial Railflip 6) If you see the grip, catch the board. 7) Bend your knees for style.