  • The Big Squeeze
  • "The Big Squeeze" is the ninthteeth episode of Season 2 from The Penguins of Madagascar.
  • When loan shark Jack 'the Ripper' Lane, who is too violent even for his mob extortion boss Nathan Vincent's taste, breaks Italian restaurant owner Gino Giani's fingers, he and his daughter Theresa hire the A-team, but get cold feet after threats to their entire family. So Hannibal, alias Sean O'Shea, deliberately takes a loan from Lane to start an Irish pub cum restaurant, The Naked Lady (where busboy Murdock's new vocation is that of union representative), and then doesn't even give him a seat, thus provoke him to a sniper assault, and then takes on Vincent's by own ... This page is a stub, which means that it needs to be expanded with additional information. Please help out by adding to this page!
  • The Hoboken Zoo has transferred a boa constrictor to the Cartoon World Zoo. SpongeBob, Jimmy, Timmy and B.O.B. report this to the rest of the Nicktoons, but Jenny and B.O.B. suggest that the boa can be nice. The next morning, while entertaining the humans, Private distracts them while SpongeBob, Jimmy and Timmy listen to Jimmy's recorder that Patrick are missing. SpongeBob, Jimmy, Timmy and B.O.B. left where the humans can't expect. The next morning, the zookeeper ships Savio back to the Hoboken Zoo (including his tail stuck on the door when the zookeeper shut it).
  • The store is owned and run by Big Steve. The Big Squeeze seems to be a fairly consistent source of revenue for him, as he rarely complains about overhead costs; however, despite this, he is eager to move the store in "A Lime to Party" when the Party Lime opens in the store, as he cites that there's not enough room in the mall for two giant fruits. This statement implies that the Big Squeeze is mostly successful due to having a monopoly on citrus-themed drinks at the Galleria Mall and would run into trouble if this monopoly was taken away. (It is also possible that Big Steve recognized that revenues had been falling at the store due to Caitlin's inability to make good drinks but blamed this on the new competition rather than on Caitlin's culinary skills.)
  • 2
  • 3
  • 19
  • 200
  • 1985-01-15
  • Sept 18, 2010
  • 52
  • 3.150000
  • 15
  • 206
  • NBC-TV
  • "The Big Squeeze" is the ninthteeth episode of Season 2 from The Penguins of Madagascar.
  • The store is owned and run by Big Steve. The Big Squeeze seems to be a fairly consistent source of revenue for him, as he rarely complains about overhead costs; however, despite this, he is eager to move the store in "A Lime to Party" when the Party Lime opens in the store, as he cites that there's not enough room in the mall for two giant fruits. This statement implies that the Big Squeeze is mostly successful due to having a monopoly on citrus-themed drinks at the Galleria Mall and would run into trouble if this monopoly was taken away. (It is also possible that Big Steve recognized that revenues had been falling at the store due to Caitlin's inability to make good drinks but blamed this on the new competition rather than on Caitlin's culinary skills.) When the store is seen in the show, it is mainly staffed by Caitlin. The store is a one-person operation, where a single employee does all of the drink preparation, mixing, serving, and cleanup. There are two shifts at the store, with an unspecified break between the two shifts where the store is shut down completely; why the store shuts down in order to switch is unknown. Caitlin is in charge of one of the shifts, which she took over in "Take This Job and Squeeze It" after Jen (who formerly held the shift) quit her job at the Big Squeeze to work at the Penalty Box. Caitlin has held this shift ever since, with the only break coming in "Losing Your Lemon" when she left her job at the Big Squeeze and gave her shift to a girl named Katie; however, Caitlin ended up retaking her job at the end of the episode. The Big Squeeze is the main hangout for the group, as they often meet around the table closest to the store. Usually, they sit in the same order around the table, with Caitlin taking the leftmost seat if not working, Jen the one next to hers, Jude and Wyatt in the middle seats, Nikki in the seat to Wyatt's right, and Jonesy in the far right seat. The table is an important place for the group, and presumably has been so since Jen took the job at the Big Squeeze (before the series started). The group has only been evicted from the table once, in "Losing Your Lemon" when Tricia sent a group of Doppelgängers to steal the table away.
  • The Hoboken Zoo has transferred a boa constrictor to the Cartoon World Zoo. SpongeBob, Jimmy, Timmy and B.O.B. report this to the rest of the Nicktoons, but Jenny and B.O.B. suggest that the boa can be nice. The next morning, while entertaining the humans, Private distracts them while SpongeBob, Jimmy and Timmy listen to Jimmy's recorder that Patrick are missing. SpongeBob, Jimmy, Timmy and B.O.B. left where the humans can't expect. SpongeBob, Jimmy, Timmy and B.O.B. visit Sheen's house. Patrick goes missing until Sheen's overreaction of his smoothie reminds Chester that Sheen asked Patrick to get some pineapples in the Reptile House. SpongeBob, Jimmy, Timmy and B.O.B. enter the Reptile House and find the boa constrictor, Savio. Savio acts innocent. Jimmy finds a keypad that opens Savio's glass cage and while trying to break the locks, it is invulnerable. At the HQ, SpongeBob and Jimmy look at the map to see if all the locks are locked until they found an air vent. Jimmy informs with Patrick in his belly, it is impossible for Savio to slip through the vent. They hear a scream from Sheen. They come in to his house and Sheen said that Chester was gone in his sleep. They then hear Jenny scream, but when they come in, she was gone. Timmy found a dried snake skin so SpongeBob, Jimmy, Timmy and B.O.B. come in the Reptile House. Timmy tries to explode the locks, but to no avail. Savio continues to act innocent. At the HQ, SpongeBob, Jimmy, Timmy and B.O.B. realize that Jenny, Patrick and Chester are mammals. SpongeBob then realized that Savio has diet for mammals. At the Toy Shop, they dressed B.O.B. as a monkey as bait. At the zoo outside, Savio begins to crawl by B.O.B., but it was actually just a hose with snake colors. Jimmy tries calling B.O.B., but he just disappeared. SpongeBob, Jimmy, Timmy and Sheen walk in the Reptile House and accuses Savio again. Savio crawls part of him through the air vent, types the code on the keypad and opens the glass cage. SpongeBob, Jimmy, Timmy and Sheen started running, but Savio catches up and swallows Sheen whole. Inside Savio, Sheen is swooped down to the belly with Jenny, B.O.B. (still in the monkey suit), Patrick and Chester. SpongeBob plans something so he, Jimmy and Timmy started running. They block a trash can on the way, but Savio crawls over it. They block the hotdog stand, but Savio kicks it out of the way. They serpent around tables, but Savio also serpents around. They jump in Burt's habitat at the zoo and Burt beats up Savio. He pulls the pressure by the habitat walls and he vomits the others out. The next morning, the zookeeper ships Savio back to the Hoboken Zoo (including his tail stuck on the door when the zookeeper shut it).
  • When loan shark Jack 'the Ripper' Lane, who is too violent even for his mob extortion boss Nathan Vincent's taste, breaks Italian restaurant owner Gino Giani's fingers, he and his daughter Theresa hire the A-team, but get cold feet after threats to their entire family. So Hannibal, alias Sean O'Shea, deliberately takes a loan from Lane to start an Irish pub cum restaurant, The Naked Lady (where busboy Murdock's new vocation is that of union representative), and then doesn't even give him a seat, thus provoke him to a sniper assault, and then takes on Vincent's by own ... This page is a stub, which means that it needs to be expanded with additional information. Please help out by adding to this page!
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