  • Anij Lothill Olin
  • Anij Lothill Olin was a Jedi Master and, for a time, the Watchman of Tatooine. Later in her life, she became the wife of Jedi Knight Teras Olin and the mother of Juno Olin. She filled a seat on the Trainer's Council of the Jedi Covenant and was killed by her husband's former apprentice, who had become the Sith Lord Darth Paxis, during the eve of the Second Jedi Civil War.
  • Anij Lothill Olin was a Jedi Master and, for a time, the Watchman of Tatooine. Later in her life, she became the wife of Jedi Knight Teras Olin and the mother of Juno Olin. She filled a seat on the Trainer's Council of the Jedi Covenant and was killed by her husband's former apprentice, who had become the Sith Lord Darth Paxis, during the eve of the Second Jedi Civil War.