  • Makoto Seido
  • The Shrine of Complete Sincerity was one of the seven Shrines of Bushido, built within the Yama province, and tended by retired Matsu selected because of their great honesty and sincerity during their lives as samurai. Matsu did not believe that lies or deception had any place in the heart of a samurai. This shrine of ancient stone construction was one of the largest shrines of Bushido.
  • The Shrine of Complete Sincerity was one of the seven Shrines of Bushido, built within the Yama province, and tended by retired Matsu selected because of their great honesty and sincerity during their lives as samurai. Matsu did not believe that lies or deception had any place in the heart of a samurai. This shrine of ancient stone construction was one of the largest shrines of Bushido.