  • Trendy Teen
  • Trendy Teen is the modeling agency for teens' apparel that Cornelia's astral drop works at during their stay in Midgale. The astral drops tried to find new clothes at a department store and realized that they're totally out of cash, and try to think of different ways to earn money. Hay Lin's and Irma's double find an advertisement searching for teen models, and believe that astral Cornelia will qualify and earn some money for the group. The modeling agent was suspicious about them because of the absence of their parents, but agreed in the end. They saw the girls' modeling potential and gave them the Trendy Teens' address and calling card. Unfortunately they didn't earn the money because they didn't have parental consent.
  • Trendy Teen is the modeling agency for teens' apparel that Cornelia's astral drop works at during their stay in Midgale. The astral drops tried to find new clothes at a department store and realized that they're totally out of cash, and try to think of different ways to earn money. Hay Lin's and Irma's double find an advertisement searching for teen models, and believe that astral Cornelia will qualify and earn some money for the group. The modeling agent was suspicious about them because of the absence of their parents, but agreed in the end. They saw the girls' modeling potential and gave them the Trendy Teens' address and calling card. Unfortunately they didn't earn the money because they didn't have parental consent.