  • St. Valentine's Day Massacre
  • St. Valentine's Day Massacre is a City Hotspot found in Mad Mile and a landmark within Chicago in Watch Dogs.
  • The Saint Valentine's Day massacre is the name given to the death of seven people as part of a Prohibition Era conflict between two powerful criminal gangs in Chicago, Illinois, in the winter of 1929: the South Side Italian gang led by Al Capone and the North Side Irish gang led by Bugs Moran. Former members of the Egan's Rats gang were also suspected to have played a large role in the St. Valentine's Day massacre, assisting Capone. Right: most famous picture of the massacre. From top to bottom: Not in picture is Frank Gusenberg who died in hospital
  • St. Valentine's Day Massacre is a City Hotspot found in Mad Mile and a landmark within Chicago in Watch Dogs.
  • The Saint Valentine's Day massacre is the name given to the death of seven people as part of a Prohibition Era conflict between two powerful criminal gangs in Chicago, Illinois, in the winter of 1929: the South Side Italian gang led by Al Capone and the North Side Irish gang led by Bugs Moran. Former members of the Egan's Rats gang were also suspected to have played a large role in the St. Valentine's Day massacre, assisting Capone. Right: most famous picture of the massacre. From top to bottom: * Peter Gusenberg * Albert Weinshenker * Adam Heyer * John May * Reinhart Schimmer {very bottom of picture at lower right} * Lying against wall at right is Albert Kachellek] aka James Clark Not in picture is Frank Gusenberg who died in hospital