  • Banshee Boardwalk
  • Banshee Boardwalk is a course both found in Mario Kart 64 and Mario Kart DS.
  • Banshee Boardwalk is the 2nd ghost house level in the Mushroom Kingdom. Named and modeled slightly after the stage of the same name in Mario Kart 64, this level starts off with the player navigating through a rather open ghost house, evading a large number of ghost enemies that inhabit the area. Afterward is a swimming area involving navigating an underwater maze with spikes and flippers before reaching the exit. King Boo will serve as the end boss if the player manages to uncover the second exit. The secret exit leads to World 4.
  • Banshee Boardwalk is a spooky course in Mario Kart 64, that has sections with no rails, and darkened areas that doesn't become light until your kart comes to a certain spot. It is a wooden boardwalk with a crumbling old castle. Occasionally, a giant Cheep Cheep will jump overhead. Also, as with most of the haunted tracks, Boos will frequently appear, cackle and then disappear. There are also banshees that fly around in two parts in the castle, giving the course its name. For some reason, they only try to rush out at the player. The music creates a very creepy and suspenseful atmosphere.
  • Banshee Boardwalk is the third track in Special Cup of Mario Kart 64. It is haunted-mansion themed, having Boos that appear and disappear. The course is a boardwalk over haunting waters. The background is completely black when playing the game, but the icon in the menu shows that it is a haunting, dark, nighttime sky. There is a haunted house in this course, with bats that dwell inside. Also, every once and a while, a Cheep Cheep will jump out of the water and try to swallow racers whole. Bats apparently don't appear in the Time Trial mode.
  • Mario Kart 64
  • Mario Kart DS
  • Banshee Boardwalk
  • Mario Kart 64
  • Mario Kart DS
  • Location
  • The course in Mario Kart 64.
  • Banshee Boardwalk as it appears in Mario Kart 64
  • Banshee Boardwalk's icon in Mario Kart 64.
  • Mario Kart 64
  • Mario Kart 64
  • Mario Kart DS
  • B
  • Mario Kart 64
  • Banshee Boardwalk is a course both found in Mario Kart 64 and Mario Kart DS.
  • Banshee Boardwalk is the 2nd ghost house level in the Mushroom Kingdom. Named and modeled slightly after the stage of the same name in Mario Kart 64, this level starts off with the player navigating through a rather open ghost house, evading a large number of ghost enemies that inhabit the area. Afterward is a swimming area involving navigating an underwater maze with spikes and flippers before reaching the exit. King Boo will serve as the end boss if the player manages to uncover the second exit. The secret exit leads to World 4.
  • Banshee Boardwalk is a spooky course in Mario Kart 64, that has sections with no rails, and darkened areas that doesn't become light until your kart comes to a certain spot. It is a wooden boardwalk with a crumbling old castle. Occasionally, a giant Cheep Cheep will jump overhead. Also, as with most of the haunted tracks, Boos will frequently appear, cackle and then disappear. There are also banshees that fly around in two parts in the castle, giving the course its name. For some reason, they only try to rush out at the player. The music creates a very creepy and suspenseful atmosphere. It should be noted that green shells will often bounce off the railings and could potentially come back to hit you, so it would be wise to plan where and when you use them as improper use may have catastrophic results. There is a shortcut where you can jump over a gap inside the old building, which requires a mushroom (or just a well-timed hop in the DS version). It is very risky and not actually worth it, except to skip some bats. This trick is usually performed at the Time Trials mode. This course is based on Ghost Valley 2, from Super Mario Kart. This is the third track in the Special Cup. This track returns in Mario Kart DS as a retro track, being the second track in the Lightning Cup. In the DS version, Mission 7-8 takes place here, featuring Luigi having to destroy 10 Item Boxes while avoiding the Fake Item Boxes.
  • Banshee Boardwalk is the third track in Special Cup of Mario Kart 64. It is haunted-mansion themed, having Boos that appear and disappear. The course is a boardwalk over haunting waters. The background is completely black when playing the game, but the icon in the menu shows that it is a haunting, dark, nighttime sky. There is a haunted house in this course, with bats that dwell inside. Also, every once and a while, a Cheep Cheep will jump out of the water and try to swallow racers whole. Bats apparently don't appear in the Time Trial mode. There is a shortcut where you can jump over a gap inside the old building, which requires a Mushroom. It is very risky and not actually worth it, except to skip some bats. This course is similar to the Ghost Valley courses in Super Mario Kart.
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