  • Dark Horseman
  • The main base was located on an elevated plateau, surrounded with concrete walls and checkpoints, heavily protected by Soviet soldiers and tanks. The research center for nuclear weaponry was located in the north-eastern part of the facility, while the actual control center and four missile silos were located in the north-western part of the facility, apparently completely isolated from the rest of the base. Anti-personnel mines also protected the command center from enemy soldiers from infiltrating the center.
  • The main base was located on an elevated plateau, surrounded with concrete walls and checkpoints, heavily protected by Soviet soldiers and tanks. The research center for nuclear weaponry was located in the north-eastern part of the facility, while the actual control center and four missile silos were located in the north-western part of the facility, apparently completely isolated from the rest of the base. Anti-personnel mines also protected the command center from enemy soldiers from infiltrating the center. Four two kiloton warheads were produced in the facility and placed in the missile silos, fully prepared for launch. They were sent against major European cities when it became apparent that the Dark Horseman would fall.