  • Baku Physiology
  • User with this ability either is or can transform into an baku, Japanese supernatural beings that devour dreams and nightmares. As a highly supernatural being the exact appearance is hard to define, and as a being of dreams they may even lack one. Traditionally they are described either as a chimeric being with an elephant’s trunk, rhinoceros eyes, an ox tail, tiger paws and giving protection against pestilence and evil or with an elephant’s head, tusks, and trunk, with horns and a tiger’s claws. Modern baku resemble tapirs.
Row 1 info
  • Use the traits of a baku.
Row 1 title
  • Power/Ability to:
Box Title
  • Baku Physiology
  • Baku
  • 400
  • cornflowerblue
  • User with this ability either is or can transform into an baku, Japanese supernatural beings that devour dreams and nightmares. As a highly supernatural being the exact appearance is hard to define, and as a being of dreams they may even lack one. Traditionally they are described either as a chimeric being with an elephant’s trunk, rhinoceros eyes, an ox tail, tiger paws and giving protection against pestilence and evil or with an elephant’s head, tusks, and trunk, with horns and a tiger’s claws. Modern baku resemble tapirs.