  • Laotian Cuisine
  • Laos is a country situated in the South-East of Asia, with a predominant mountain relief and tropical climate. The most significant agricultural product is rice, which assures the intern needs of the population, considering the fact that rice is the staple aliment (consumed cooked – boiled, dry and mashed) in the Laotian cuisine. rice is usually combined with meat and the favorite kind of meat is the Duck, which is prepared as laap, which contains uncooked rice grains, which have been dry, fried and then crushed.
  • Laos is a country situated in the South-East of Asia, with a predominant mountain relief and tropical climate. The most significant agricultural product is rice, which assures the intern needs of the population, considering the fact that rice is the staple aliment (consumed cooked – boiled, dry and mashed) in the Laotian cuisine. rice is usually combined with meat and the favorite kind of meat is the Duck, which is prepared as laap, which contains uncooked rice grains, which have been dry, fried and then crushed. There are many influences in the Laotian cuisine, coming from the neighbor countries, such as China (spiced meats, various rice recipes, stewed veggies and all sorts of desserts), Vietnamese (especially in the city restaurants that include Vietnamese menus). There are also European influences, mostly French, with various kinds of breads and cheese, which can be found in all the important cities and in the small villages.