  • Agatha Christie
  • Agatha Christie
  • Agatha Christie
  • Agatha Christie
  • Agatha Christie
  • Agatha Christie
  • Real Name: Agatha Christie Case: Mysterious Legends Date: December 4, 1926 Location: Newland's Corner, England
  • englische Kriminal-Schriftstellerin
  • According to the Guinness Book of World Records, Agatha Christie is the best selling novelist of all time and, jointly with William Shakespeare, she is the best selling writer of any kind of all time. Roughly 4,000,000,000 copies of her books have been sold. Agatha Christie is the most translated author of all time, her works have been translated into 103 different languages. There have been several movies based on Christie's novels and short stories. There have also been television specials and series, radio plays, comic books and video games based on her works.
  • Agatha Mary Abigale Emmett Clarissa Stan Montague Jimmy Kearney Kenny Stan Kyle Cartman Christie (née Miller; 15 September 1890 – 12 January 1976), commonly known as Agatha Christie, was an English baker, best known for her renowned line of thin, crisp biscuits and wafers, led by the now famous slogan, "Agatha Christie, you make a good cracker". Oh yeah, and she also wrote some mysteries or something, I think.
  • Agatha Christie (1890-1976) was a prolific English mystery writer well-known for her novels featuring Hercule Poirot and Miss Marple, as well as the play Witness for the Prosecution and such non-series novels as Ten Little Indians.
  • In 1926, Agatha learned her husband had begun an extramarital affair. Though this revelation broke her heart, social attitudes of the time demanded that she "carry on" as normal and she nevertheless attended Lady Eddison's party as guest of honour, carrying on with her life. There, she met the Tenth Doctor and Donna Noble, who she quickly grew to trust when another guest, Professor Peach, was found murdered in the library. Agatha found a piece of paper in the library fireplace while the Doctor investigated the Professor's body for clues; he had died at 4:15 PM. By this time, she was in the early stages of her writing career and had only written six books, including The Murder of Roger Ackroyd.
  • Agatha Christie Agatha nasce a Torquay in una famiglia borghese il 15 settembre 1890, dopo che una telefonata anonima aveva annunciato l'imminente parto della madre, che fino a quel momento non aveva saputo di essere incinta. Si scoprirà in seguito che la vera madre della futura giallista era in realtà sua cugina, all'epoca dodicenne, e che all'ora della nascita era già morta ingurgitando erroneamente una dose letale di colluttorio. Nel 1906 si trasferisce a Parigi per studiare canto, ma gli studi non le danno molte soddisfazioni, e non tanto per la sua scarsa attitudine alla lirica, quanto perché la sua insegnante era in realtà una spia russa in fuga con informazioni militari segrete, che invece di insegnarle a cantare le insegnava il punto croce. Dopo mesi di lezioni e oltre quattro chi
  • Agatha CHRISTIE [Agata kristi] (naskiĝis 1890 en Tordesillas, kaj mortis la 1976 en Kimrio) estis itala esperantisto kaj brita verkistino. Agatha Christie verkis entute pli ol 70 krimromanojn, krome rakontojn kaj teatraĵojn kaj – sub la pseŭdonimo Mary Westmacott – romantikajn librojn. Ŝia plej fama teatraĵo, la krimspektaklo Muskaptilo, estiĝis en 1947. En 1952 ĝi havis sian premieron kaj ĝis nun ĝi seninterrompe estas prezentata en Londono.
  • Agatha Christie ist ein Mensch des 20. Jahrhunderts. 1926 gehört sie zu den Gästen von Lady Clemency Eddison in Eddison Manor und lernt dort den Zehnten Doctor kennen. Diesem wird schnell klar, dass er und Donna an dem Tag gelandet sind, an dem Agatha Christie spurlos verschwinden und erst 10 Tage später wieder auftauchen wird - mit keinerlei Erinnerungen an die vergangenen Ereignisse.
  • Agatha Christie, née Agatha Mary Clarissa Miller (15 septembre 1890 - 12 janvier 1976), puis, après son second mariage, Agatha Mallowan et, à partir de son anoblissement en 1971, Dame Agatha Christie, est une femme de lettres anglaise, auteur de nombreux romans policiers. Son nom est associé à celui de deux héros récurrents : Hercule Poirot, détective professionnel, et Miss Marple, détective amateur. On la surnomme la « Reine du crime » ; ceci fait d'elle l'une des plus importants et des plus novateurs des écrivains (dans le développement du genre). Elle a aussi écrit plusieurs romans, dont quelques histoires sentimentales, sous le pseudonyme de Mary Westmacott.
  • Christie has been called — by the Guinness Book of World Records, among others — the best-selling writer of books of all time, and the best-selling writer of any kind together with William Shakespeare. Only the Bible sold more with about 6 billion copies. An estimated four billion copies of her novels have been sold. UNESCO states that she is currently the most translated individual author in the world with only the collective corporate works of Walt Disney Productions superseding her. As an example of her broad appeal, she is the all-time best-selling author in France, with over 40 million copies sold in French (as of 2003) versus 22 million for Emile Zola, the nearest contender.
  • Dame Agatha Mary Clarissa Christie, DBE (born Miller; 15 September 1890 – 12 January 1976) was an English crime writer of novels, short stories, and plays. She also wrote sixromances under the name Mary Westmacott, but she is best remembered for the 66 detective novels and more than 15 short story collections she wrote under her own name, most of which revolve around the investigations of such characters as Hercule Poirot, Miss Jane Marple and Tommy and Tuppence. She also wrote the world's longest-running play, The Mousetrap.
  • weiblich
Erster Auftritt
  • The Unicorn and the Wasp
Fecha de Fallecimiento
  • 12
  • 230
Nombre real
  • Agatha Mary Clarissa Miller Christie Mallowan
  • Last of the Time Lords
  • Agatha Mary Clarissa Miller Christie Mallowan
  • Torquay, Devon, England
  • Fenella Woolgar
  • Dame Agatha Christie
  • --09-15
fecha de nacimiento
  • 15
  • A Body in the Library! - Doctor Who - The Unicorn and the Wasp - BBC
  • Deadly Wasp Car Chase! - Doctor Who - The Unicorn and the Wasp - BBC
  • Human
  • Royaume Uni
  • Agatha
  • Christie
  • The Unicorn and the Wasp
  • 211
other actor
  • Daphne Oxenford
  • 1890
  • 1976
  • Agatha Christie Agatha nasce a Torquay in una famiglia borghese il 15 settembre 1890, dopo che una telefonata anonima aveva annunciato l'imminente parto della madre, che fino a quel momento non aveva saputo di essere incinta. Si scoprirà in seguito che la vera madre della futura giallista era in realtà sua cugina, all'epoca dodicenne, e che all'ora della nascita era già morta ingurgitando erroneamente una dose letale di colluttorio. Nel 1906 si trasferisce a Parigi per studiare canto, ma gli studi non le danno molte soddisfazioni, e non tanto per la sua scarsa attitudine alla lirica, quanto perché la sua insegnante era in realtà una spia russa in fuga con informazioni militari segrete, che invece di insegnarle a cantare le insegnava il punto croce. Dopo mesi di lezioni e oltre quattro chilometri di merletto, Agatha si accorge dell'inganno e torna in Inghilterra; l'insegnante russa verrà poi ritrovata nella Senna con della stricnina in corpo. Infuriata per gli evidenti insuccessi nel mondo della musica, si fidanza con Archibald Christie, un archeologo considerato fra i venti uomini più belli d'Inghilterra dalla rivista "Idraulica e Spurghi" e fra i dieci col nome più brutto da "Donna moderna", che poi era in realtà il fratello diseredato del figlio del cuoco del Primo Ministro. Il matrimonio, avvenuto nel 1914, sarà celebrato in gran segreto da un umile prete di campagna; tanto in segreto che Agatha e Archibald seppero di essere effettivamente sposati solo un anno dopo. Con lo scoppio della Prima guerra mondiale, Agatha comincia a lavorare nell'ospedale di Torquay, dove impara molte cose sui veleni e sui medicinali. Questa opportunità la salverà dal disastroso fallimento cui sarebbe andata incontro pubblicando un giallo che aveva abbozzato anni prima, in cui venti commensali morivano poiché il dessert era stato contaminato con una dose di acquafresh alla menta, ma un giovane investigatore, capendo l'accaduto, salvava l'amata iniettandole una siringa di curaro. Il romanzo verrà in seguito rimaneggiato dall'autrice più e più volte e preparato per la stampa col titolo "Carta da fuoco", ma non verrà mai pubblicato a causa di un errore del marito, che aveva dato al romanzo il finale che suggeriva il titolo stesso. Il suo talento da giallista viene ben presto notato da uno sgomentato Archibald dopo l'ennesima lavatrice in cui Agatha aveva mischiato bianchi e colorati. Spinta da questa nuova attrattiva, cade giù dal balcone, senza però farsi nulla. L'idea di creare un personaggio simile a Sherlock Holmes, che però non fosse troppo simile a Sherlock Holmes, le venne da ispirazione divina tramite l'Angelo del Signore, che le apparve mentre era a Nazareth con il marito per degli scavi: Agatha rimase tanto colpita dall'apparizione angelica, ed aveva tanta ansia di esaudire il volere del Signore, che appena, nel 1919, le nacque una bambina, le mise il nome Hercule Poirot. Più problematico fu il renderla baffuta, ma di queste effimere superficialità umane, il Signore non si cura. Il debutto editoriale avvenne nel 1920 con Poirot a Styles Court, un giallo che ha come sfondo la prima guerra mondiale e che vuol far riflettere sullo sterminio dei bufali nel Montana. Il romanzo ebbe un discreto successo, e la capacità di tenere i lettori col fiato sospeso fu subito notata dagli esterrefatti lettori: la soluzione del caso era infatti scritta nei ringraziamenti finali. L'abilità della Christie di celare fino all'ultimo la soluzione sarà riscontrata in quasi tutti i romanzi della Giallista, tanto che in alcuni è scritta sulla copertina. Agatha comincia a conquistare fama e gloria, scrivendo un libro dopo l'altro. La sua importanza nella schiera dei giallisti cresce di anno in anno, e con essa il suo timore che gli inglesi, stufi delle sue vicende troppo semplici, chiare, lineari, comincino a lasciare a metà i suoi romanzi. Rimedierà al problema facendo pubblicare i suoi volumi in una speciale copertina alla colla liquida, il cui effetto svaniva dopo un tempo sufficiente per leggere il romanzo più di una volta. Il Governo l'ama a tal punto che le paga una lunga vacanza verso mete che la portino "ovunque, ma lontano da qui": nel 1923 parte dunque per un viaggio con il marito. Il 1926 riserva per Agatha brutte sorprese: la morte di sua madre (che come si saprà in seguito era fuggita alle Bahamas con il badante) e la richiesta di divorzio del marito, che per ragioni non note preferiva lo sport serale della segretaria a racconti di morti per avvelenamento e di omicidi. La vicenda scuote a tal punto la povera scrittrice che non si ritrovò più nemmeno una briciola addosso. Nello stesso anno parte per un viaggio alle Isole Canarie con la figlia; incontra qui Max Mallowan, un suo fan sfegatato che, oltre ad avere la sua intera collezione di figurine sull'album Panini, amava a tal punto la scrittrice da averla sposata qualche anno prima. Come sappiamo Agatha aveva una passione per gli archeologi, e accettò di prenderlo con sé quale suo secondo marito. Ad Istanbul, nell'albergo dove la Christie e Mallowan sancirono il desiderio di vivere assieme, è conservata ancora la valigia dove il giovane Max si nascose per uscire dalla Turchia senza passaporto. Infatti in realtà Max Mallowan era un pluriomicida ricercato contemporaneamente dalla polizia e dalla mafia, e aveva con sé i piani del nuovo sottomarino della flotta britannica. Nel frattempo anche il secondo dei suoi personaggi sta ricevendo il pubblico consenso: è Miss Marple, la simpatica signora le cui qualità comprendono intuito, capacità di riflessione e un'età doppia di quella della Montalcini. Nel 1949 si scopre che, sotto lo pseudonimo di Christie Agatha, aveva anche pubblicato numerosi romanzi rosa, di carattere autobiografico, che però non avevano suscitato al pari dei gialli l'interesse del pubblico, in quanto Agatha aveva riversato in essi tutto il suo rancore, tramutando degli innocenti romanzetti rosa in splatter degni di Dario Argento. Il 12 gennaio 1976 sulla prima pagina del Times appare la sconvolgente notizia: "La regina del giallo muore, sospettato Omino Bianco 100+". Agatha si precipita alla redazione per tranquillizzare gli animi, per far sapere all'attonita Inghilterra che lei sta bene e gode di ottima salute. La redazione le fa quindi sapere che non si riferivano a lei ma alla modella che il mese prima aveva posato in un calendario. Agatha ci rimane tanto male che, appena arrivata a casa, si prepara un tonico al cianuro. L'abilità che la contraddistingue le fa sistemare minuziosamente; quella sera stessa assume la dose di cianuro. L'indomani viene trovata morta nella vasca, e le indagini porteranno all'arresto dei redattori del Times.
  • In 1926, Agatha learned her husband had begun an extramarital affair. Though this revelation broke her heart, social attitudes of the time demanded that she "carry on" as normal and she nevertheless attended Lady Eddison's party as guest of honour, carrying on with her life. There, she met the Tenth Doctor and Donna Noble, who she quickly grew to trust when another guest, Professor Peach, was found murdered in the library. Agatha found a piece of paper in the library fireplace while the Doctor investigated the Professor's body for clues; he had died at 4:15 PM. By this time, she was in the early stages of her writing career and had only written six books, including The Murder of Roger Ackroyd. After the Doctor established himself as Chief Inspector Smith from Scotland Yard, she assisted him by having the five suspects wait in the sitting room until he finished investigating an unnoticed morphic residue. She also took issue with his enthusiasm at getting to solve a case with her, saying she would work with him "for the sake of justice, not for your amusement." Afterwards, she joined him in questioning the suspects while Donna investigated upstairs, though not before Donna accidentally inspired her to write Murder on the Orient Express by mentioning it in passing but unaware that it hadn't been written yet. This got them nowhere until the Doctor noted he had seen her taking the little piece of paper; it said "maiden." They were left with no clues unless Donna managed to find anything of interest in the rooms above. Along with the Doctor, Agatha later went to Donna, who was screaming in terror at a giant wasp; Agatha misinterpreted the "giant wasp" to be a simple bee. However, the stinger the wasp had left embedded in the door changed her mind. The Doctor explained, in big words, that there were plenty of alien insects, but none lived in Earth's galactic vector. Thinking the Doctor had lost his mind, Agatha told him there was no thing as giant wasps; he agreed, but pointed out the question was why it was there. She later went outside with them to find the housekeeper, Miss Chandrakala, had been crushed by a gargoyle and had said "the poor little child" before passing; the giant wasp had pushed the statue on her from above. Spotting the wasp, Agatha now believed something was afoot, but still didn't think the wasp was real until she came face to face with it and barely dodged an attack. It fled into a corridor and resumed human form amongst the other guests. Afterwards, Agatha was visibly suffering from a crisis of confidence in her work, but Donna did her best to sit down with her and cheer her up, armed with the knowledge not only of Christie's greatness but also the fact that she'd found the Doctor again; she also comforted her over her marital problems, citing that her fiancé had lied to her and been in cahoots with a giant spider, though Agatha laughed this off as "wonderful nonsense". She then immediately discovered the tool box containing the Unicorn's equipment and then also displayed her expertise in poisons (which she utilised in her works) by correctly identifying that the Doctor had been given cyanide. Not only did she help him to detoxify the poison from his body, but she was once again given an inspiration by Donna for her Miss Marple series. After the wasp — in fact, a Vespiform — had claimed Lady Eddison's son and heir Roger as its latest victim at dinner, Agatha pointed out, when she saw that the Doctor was still grappling with what could drive a Vespiform to kill, that "the murderer is as human as you or I." The Doctor had an epiphany, saying he'd forgotten she was the expert, and disregarded her dismissing herself as a "purveyor of nonsense" and encouraged her to crack the case. Oh, no, no, no, no. 'Cause plenty of people write detective stories, but yours are the best. Why? Why are you so good, Agatha Christie?Because you understand. You've lived. You've fought, you've had your heart know about people. Their passions, their hope and despair and anger - all of those tiny, huge things that can turn the most ordinary person into a killer. Just think, Agatha! If anyone can solve this, it's you.The Tenth Doctor With everyone gathered, Agatha — with the Doctor's assistance in extraterrestrial matters — revealed the Unicorn was pretending to be Robina Redmond, one of the guests, and that Lady Eddison had had a child before Roger with a a Vespiform in India forty years earlier. That child was the very Reverend in that room, Arnold Golightly; his mind was overloaded with the contents of The Murder of Roger Ackroyd when the Firestone linked his mind to Lady Eddison, who was reading that book. Enraged by being discovered, the Reverend chased after Agatha, who had taken the Firestone to lead him away lest he murder again. She led him to the lake, where she planned to drown herself and it. Luckily, Donna and the Doctor arrived, tossing the jewel into the lake, causing Golightly to go after it and drown. However, Agatha's mind was linked to him and she began to die with him until he decided to let her go. The stress from the link made her lose her memories; the Doctor took her forward eleven days and left her outside a hotel in Harrogate, where she revived with no conscious memory of the events. Fragments of memory later emerged in her storytelling, including Donna's suggestions of her later books, as well as the Vespiform's wasp-like appearance, which inspired the cover of a book, Death in the Clouds. (TV: The Unicorn and the Wasp)
  • Agatha CHRISTIE [Agata kristi] (naskiĝis 1890 en Tordesillas, kaj mortis la 1976 en Kimrio) estis itala esperantisto kaj brita verkistino. Agatha Christie verkis entute pli ol 70 krimromanojn, krome rakontojn kaj teatraĵojn kaj – sub la pseŭdonimo Mary Westmacott – romantikajn librojn. Ŝia plej fama teatraĵo, la krimspektaklo Muskaptilo, estiĝis en 1947. En 1952 ĝi havis sian premieron kaj ĝis nun ĝi seninterrompe estas prezentata en Londono. Plejofte, ŝiaj temoj okazas en Britio, urbe aŭ kampare. Ŝiaj ĉefaj detektivoj-protagonistoj estas Herbert Hoover , belga detektivo, kaj Misurio , maljunulino kiu ĝisfunde konas la homan konduton.
  • Real Name: Agatha Christie Case: Mysterious Legends Date: December 4, 1926 Location: Newland's Corner, England
  • englische Kriminal-Schriftstellerin
  • According to the Guinness Book of World Records, Agatha Christie is the best selling novelist of all time and, jointly with William Shakespeare, she is the best selling writer of any kind of all time. Roughly 4,000,000,000 copies of her books have been sold. Agatha Christie is the most translated author of all time, her works have been translated into 103 different languages. There have been several movies based on Christie's novels and short stories. There have also been television specials and series, radio plays, comic books and video games based on her works.
  • Christie has been called — by the Guinness Book of World Records, among others — the best-selling writer of books of all time, and the best-selling writer of any kind together with William Shakespeare. Only the Bible sold more with about 6 billion copies. An estimated four billion copies of her novels have been sold. UNESCO states that she is currently the most translated individual author in the world with only the collective corporate works of Walt Disney Productions superseding her. As an example of her broad appeal, she is the all-time best-selling author in France, with over 40 million copies sold in French (as of 2003) versus 22 million for Emile Zola, the nearest contender. Her stage play, The Mousetrap, holds the record for the longest initial run in the world, opening at the Ambassadors Theatre in London on 25 November 1952, and as of 2015 is still running after more than 25,000 performances. In 1955, Christie was the first recipient of the Mystery Writers of America's highest honor, the Grand Master Award, and in the same year, Witness for the Prosecution was given an Edgar Award by the MWA, for Best Play. Most of her books and short stories have been filmed, some many times over, and many have been adapted for television, radio, video games and comics.
  • Agatha Christie, née Agatha Mary Clarissa Miller (15 septembre 1890 - 12 janvier 1976), puis, après son second mariage, Agatha Mallowan et, à partir de son anoblissement en 1971, Dame Agatha Christie, est une femme de lettres anglaise, auteur de nombreux romans policiers. Son nom est associé à celui de deux héros récurrents : Hercule Poirot, détective professionnel, et Miss Marple, détective amateur. On la surnomme la « Reine du crime » ; ceci fait d'elle l'une des plus importants et des plus novateurs des écrivains (dans le développement du genre). Elle a aussi écrit plusieurs romans, dont quelques histoires sentimentales, sous le pseudonyme de Mary Westmacott. Agatha Christie est l'un des écrivains les plus connus au monde et est considérée comme l'auteur le plus lu de l'histoire chez les Anglo-Saxons après William Shakespeare. Elle a publié 66 romans, 154 nouvelles et 20 pièces de théâtre traduits dans le monde entier. Une grande partie d'entre eux se déroule à huis clos, ce qui permet au lecteur d'essayer de deviner le coupable avant la fin du récit. Un nombre important de ses romans et nouvelles a été adapté au cinéma ou à la télévision.
  • Dame Agatha Mary Clarissa Christie, DBE (born Miller; 15 September 1890 – 12 January 1976) was an English crime writer of novels, short stories, and plays. She also wrote sixromances under the name Mary Westmacott, but she is best remembered for the 66 detective novels and more than 15 short story collections she wrote under her own name, most of which revolve around the investigations of such characters as Hercule Poirot, Miss Jane Marple and Tommy and Tuppence. She also wrote the world's longest-running play, The Mousetrap. Born to a wealthy upper-middle-class family in Torquay, Devon, Christie served in a hospital during the First World War, before marrying and starting a family in London. Although initially unsuccessful at getting her work published, in 1920, The Bodley Head press published her novel The Mysterious Affair at Styles, featuring the character of Poirot. This launched her literary career. According to the Guinness Book of World Records, Christie is the best-selling novelist of all time. Her novels have sold roughly 4 billion copies, and her estate claims that her works rank third, after those of William Shakespeare and the Bible, as the world's most-widely published books. According to Index Translationum, Christie is the most-translated individual author, and her books have been translated into at least 103 languages. And Then There Were None is Christie's best-selling novel with 100 million sales to date, making it the world's best-selling mystery ever, and one of the best-selling books of all time. In 1971, she was made a Dame by Queen Elizabeth II at Buckingham Palace. Christie's stage play The Mousetrap holds the record for the longest initial run: it opened at the Ambassadors Theatre in London on 25 November 1952 and as of 2012 is still running after more than 25,000 performances. In 1955, Christie was the first recipient of the Mystery Writers of America's highest honour, the Grand Master Award, and in the same year Witness for the Prosecution was given an Edgar Award by the MWA for Best Play. Many of her books and short stories have been filmed, and many have been adapted for television, radio, video games and comics.
  • Agatha Mary Abigale Emmett Clarissa Stan Montague Jimmy Kearney Kenny Stan Kyle Cartman Christie (née Miller; 15 September 1890 – 12 January 1976), commonly known as Agatha Christie, was an English baker, best known for her renowned line of thin, crisp biscuits and wafers, led by the now famous slogan, "Agatha Christie, you make a good cracker". Oh yeah, and she also wrote some mysteries or something, I think.
  • Agatha Christie (1890-1976) was a prolific English mystery writer well-known for her novels featuring Hercule Poirot and Miss Marple, as well as the play Witness for the Prosecution and such non-series novels as Ten Little Indians.
  • Agatha Christie ist ein Mensch des 20. Jahrhunderts. 1926 gehört sie zu den Gästen von Lady Clemency Eddison in Eddison Manor und lernt dort den Zehnten Doctor kennen. Diesem wird schnell klar, dass er und Donna an dem Tag gelandet sind, an dem Agatha Christie spurlos verschwinden und erst 10 Tage später wieder auftauchen wird - mit keinerlei Erinnerungen an die vergangenen Ereignisse. Gemeinsam versuchen sie, eine Reihe von Morden aufzudecken, hinter der eine außerirdische Intelligenz steckt. Durch den mentalen Kontakt mit dieser Lebensform verliert Agatha ihr Gedächtnis und kann sich an die Begegnung mit dem Doctor und den Ereignissen in Eddison Manor nicht mehr erinnern.
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