  • A long list
  • From: [[]] There is no mention of the Correspondence in your list of University departments. Still, somebody must have worked in your field. A little detective work is in order. [Find the rest of the story at ]
Success title
  • The Department of _______
Failure title
  • Do you know too much?
  • 100
Failure description
  • You check the highest towers and the deepest stacks. You have the feeling of walking in a predecessor's footprints, but there is no evidence. Perhaps they have been quietly disposed of. Is that your fate? To be the one who knew too much?
From Card/Storylet title
  • First steps for your new department
Success description
  • […] The name, if it ever had a name, is not spoken. The staff receive their salaries in secret. Their work is rarely published. They are the Department of _______. It can only be the Correspondence that has brought them to this state of anonymity.
  • There is no mention of the Correspondence in your list of University departments. Still, somebody must have worked in your field. A little detective work is in order.
  • From: [[]] There is no mention of the Correspondence in your list of University departments. Still, somebody must have worked in your field. A little detective work is in order. [Find the rest of the story at ]