  • Binary Confusion
  • Sigma stood on the highest mountains of Yamagakure. "I've finally gained the okay, to show you my home." Naidō stated, as it began to take its full avian form. "Ha, I wonder how your home is, Naidō, you never speak on it." Naidō sat on Sigma's shoulder, and showed Sigma it's tongue. "What the hell Naidō!" Sigma shouted, though Naidō pecked him. "On our tongue, there is a seal, that won't allow us to speak on our home. Well, without the say-so."' Naidō let out a loud screech.
  • Sigma stood on the highest mountains of Yamagakure. "I've finally gained the okay, to show you my home." Naidō stated, as it began to take its full avian form. "Ha, I wonder how your home is, Naidō, you never speak on it." Naidō sat on Sigma's shoulder, and showed Sigma it's tongue. "What the hell Naidō!" Sigma shouted, though Naidō pecked him. "On our tongue, there is a seal, that won't allow us to speak on our home. Well, without the say-so."' Naidō let out a loud screech. Sigma's sensing began to kick in almost instantly, the area around him instantly changed. "This is my home! Gyarakushi; home in the galaxy!" Sigma looked around, and was easily able to adopt the community, though a few moments later, Sigma fell to his knee. His face covered in sweat droplets; "This gravitational pull, is even heavier than that of Senpondo." Sigma simultaneously began panting. He looked over at Naidō, who'd clearly had adapted to the gravity. A mysterious man then walked from around the nearby corner. This man, was huge, and his super human body, made the Third Raikage's body look mortal. "Hehe, Naidō, interesting one indeed. I'm surprised he was able to stand for the amount of time he did." The man stated, "Isei...Isei Tetsuya" Naidō stated. "Just what is this gravity!" Isei smiled, "From what is known Senpondo, one thousand correct? Well, multiply that by three!" Isei stated smiling, which then led into laughs. "Easy for you. Your body looks ready and firm for this." From the same corner Isei walked around, came a scrawny figure. "How, could someone so small outdo me!" Sigma thought. "Thank you Hizumi Oroshi. Sigma, this vest allows you walk this gravity with ease." Isei handed the vest to Sigma. Instead, Sigma began to stand on his own. "Pfft, I refuse for me, Naidō's underling to embarrass him with such equipment!" Within a matter of minutes, Sigma was up to his feet. "How!?" Hizumi exclaimed in his thoughts. Sigma glared at the two men. "Sigma, you made it just in time. The Gyarakushi, annual tournament is taking place today. We'd love if you stay and watch?" Isei insisted, though Naidō instantly stepping in. "I don't think Sigma would like to waste his time in-" Sigma cut Naidō off. "Of course I would, Naidō it would be perfect for me to test out a new thing." He finished, as he struggled to walk. "Naidō cut him some slack, and take your mortal form!" Isei then pushed up against Naidō, when suddenly Naidō lit up his avian-like body began to change into a humanoid form. His hair, red, and a lot of it at that. He looked, as if he could represent someone, but more specifically, a land. "Naidō, you have another form!?" Sigma exclaimed, fully unaware. "Yes, but I can only take this form when I'm here, in Gyarakushi though." Isei, continued to walk, and when the walked around a corner, there was a man at a desk, and a long line in front. Sigma was exhausted, "Sigma. I'd like for you to know, we are all wearing vest... Well except for Isei, that is." Hizumi whispered to Sigma. "You've got to be fucking kidding me man!" Sigma shouted. "Mr.Otisuki, this is a friend of mine. Sigma Uchiha. I'd like to register him." Naidō stated. The man looked at Naidō and pointed towards the end of the line. "Same as them." He stated. Isei began to walk over to the desk... "Otisuki, you'll let him in right?" Isei stated, with a different tone of voice. A man in the middle of the line, poked his head out. "We've been waiting for hours. He's gonna have to fight me, if he wishes to skip any of us." Another man towards the end, was even angrier. "He'd better not be able to skip. Isei, can't go around making demands like that." Suddenly even looked back at the man who stated the words. Isei, laughed softly, then they began to turn into louder laughs. "We don't find anything funny Isei!" Isei stopped laughing, and glared at the man. "I'm about tired of you calling all the shots around here!" The man continued. "You can't jus-" In almost a split second, Isei was near the man, and with only his fist, Isei punched the man, and he fell through the wall. Sigma, made his way near Isei, and when he looked through the wall, it confirmed that the man was knocked through nine walls in total. "What in the hell!" Sigma shouted out of total shock.