  • Jiltosh
  • Tier: 3-C Name: Jiltosh Origin: Shingu: Secret of the Stellar Wars Gender: Male Age: 10,000 years Classification: Powerful alien, Velunnian, Aloha, Ve-yan, Jil Powers & Abilities: Superhuman strength, speed, durability, image projection, telepathy, energy attacks & manipulation, shapeshifting, can seal enemies away, can survive in space. Attack Potency: Galaxy level (Fought and sealed Mugen away, who unleashed enough energy to destroy an entire galaxy) Speed: Massively FTL+ (Traveled 26 light years in seconds) Stamina: Very high Range: Galactic+ Standard Equipment: None Intelligence: High
  • Tier: 3-C Name: Jiltosh Origin: Shingu: Secret of the Stellar Wars Gender: Male Age: 10,000 years Classification: Powerful alien, Velunnian, Aloha, Ve-yan, Jil Powers & Abilities: Superhuman strength, speed, durability, image projection, telepathy, energy attacks & manipulation, shapeshifting, can seal enemies away, can survive in space. Attack Potency: Galaxy level (Fought and sealed Mugen away, who unleashed enough energy to destroy an entire galaxy) Speed: Massively FTL+ (Traveled 26 light years in seconds) Stamina: Very high Range: Galactic+ Standard Equipment: None Intelligence: High Weaknesses: None notable