  • 407
  • 407
  • 407
  • 407
  • 407 – nieistniejąca linia autobusowa przyspieszona okresowa, która kursowała na trasie z Emilii Plater na Gocław. Linię obsługiwały zajezdnia autobusowa Ostrobramska i zajezdnia autobusowa Kleszczowa.
  • 407 - Year of Fire - when volcanos erupted worldwide and Arus Ur Eklas went worldwide with his Dragol-riding Wergols too. See below for a list of the new Wergol colonies he spawned on the various segments.
  • El cuatrocientos siete (407) es el número natural que sigue al 406 y precede al 408. Categoría:Números
  • Angelique tries to wipe the blood from the Old House parlor floor, but it won't come off. She hears a knock at the door, and she looks out the window to see who is there. Naomi Collins opens the door since there was no answer. She has come to speak to Barnabas Collins and asks Angelique to get him. Angelique tells her he has gone out of town, and she does not know where he is. Upstairs, Barnabas lies in his bed and pulls off his bandage, revealing the bite marks.
  • Jenny und Maximilian erkennen zu spät, dass sie in eine Falle getappt sind: Eine Kamera hat prekäre Aufnahmen ihres leidenschaftlichen Aufeinandertreffens gemacht. Wenig später liefert ein Bote einen anonymen Brief in der Villa Steinkamp ab. Nadja kehrt zusammen mit Ben nach Essen zurück. Während Annette Nadjas fortwährende Zweifel an Marian auszuräumen versucht, wird dieser von Ben aufgemuntert, einen Schritt auf Nadja zuzugehen. Das Zusammentreffen zwischen Nadja und Marian endet allerdings in erneuten Auseinandersetzungen, während sich Nina weiterhin verständnisvoll und einfühlsam gibt. Juli ist völlig verwirrt, als Oliver ihr gesteht, dass er sie anscheinend unterschätzt hat. Während Juli mit sich hadert, schickt Simone Oliver zu der verletzten Diana in die USA. Und Diana freut sich ga
  • 407
  • 1968-01-10
  • 401
  • 1796
  • 1968-01-16
  • 407
  • 407 – nieistniejąca linia autobusowa przyspieszona okresowa, która kursowała na trasie z Emilii Plater na Gocław. Linię obsługiwały zajezdnia autobusowa Ostrobramska i zajezdnia autobusowa Kleszczowa.
  • Jenny und Maximilian erkennen zu spät, dass sie in eine Falle getappt sind: Eine Kamera hat prekäre Aufnahmen ihres leidenschaftlichen Aufeinandertreffens gemacht. Wenig später liefert ein Bote einen anonymen Brief in der Villa Steinkamp ab. Nadja kehrt zusammen mit Ben nach Essen zurück. Während Annette Nadjas fortwährende Zweifel an Marian auszuräumen versucht, wird dieser von Ben aufgemuntert, einen Schritt auf Nadja zuzugehen. Das Zusammentreffen zwischen Nadja und Marian endet allerdings in erneuten Auseinandersetzungen, während sich Nina weiterhin verständnisvoll und einfühlsam gibt. Juli ist völlig verwirrt, als Oliver ihr gesteht, dass er sie anscheinend unterschätzt hat. Während Juli mit sich hadert, schickt Simone Oliver zu der verletzten Diana in die USA. Und Diana freut sich ganz offensichtlich sehr über seinen Besuch.
  • Angelique tries to wipe the blood from the Old House parlor floor, but it won't come off. She hears a knock at the door, and she looks out the window to see who is there. Naomi Collins opens the door since there was no answer. She has come to speak to Barnabas Collins and asks Angelique to get him. Angelique tells her he has gone out of town, and she does not know where he is. Upstairs, Barnabas lies in his bed and pulls off his bandage, revealing the bite marks. Naomi questions Angelique about not knowing where Barnabas is, and the latter says she did not want to make Barnabas impatient by repeating the question. Angelique states that he left "early this morning" but did not tell her why nor where he was going. She asks Naomi if there is anything she can do to help her mother-in-law. The conversation is audible upstairs, and Angelique insists Barnabas left on urgent business. Naomi stresses that Joshua Collins knows all about Collinsport business. She then tells Angelique to stay at Collinwood until Barnabas returns. Barnabas continues to listen while Angelique refuses to leave the Old House. Naomi is adamant about Angelique's staying in Collinwood, but then she turns to see the blood spot. Angelique tells Naomi that the spot is wine, not blood, and that Naomi is trying to frighten her. Barnabas manages to get out of bed. Naomi apologizes for not believing Angelique. She states that she appreciates Naomi's kindness as Barnabas stumbles to the dresser. Naomi asks Angelique to tell Barnabas that his mother had come for a visit. Naomi hears Barnabas knock a brush to the floor from the dresser. Convinced by Angelique that what she heard was her imagination, Naomi departs for Collinwood. As Angelique sighs in relief, Barnabas opens the door and calls for his mother before collapsing. Angelique opens her door while carrying a tankard to find Barnabas on the floor, and she asks where he was trying to go. Barnabas says he heard his mother's voice, but Angelique denies this. She helps Barnabas back to bed, and Barnabas asks what terrible thing has happened to him. He demands to know, but Angelique replies that she will not let anything happen to him. Angelique grabs the drink, which she urges Barnabas to take. She tells Barnabas it will help him, and he agrees to drink it. When asked what it is, Angelique replies that it is the only thing that can help him. After he again wonders what is happening, Angelique asks if he feels better. She tells him to close his eyes, and Barnabas says he just wants to sleep. Angelique orders him to open his eyes only when she tells him to do so. She then goes to the window, opens the drapes, and commands her husband to open his eyes. Barnabas obeys, but upon doing so he cries in agony. Angelique wonders why her medicine didn't work, and she asks Barnabas why he tried to betray her. What's done cannot be undone. Barnabas repeats that he heard his mother's voice. In the Collinwood parlor, Naomi tells Joshua Collins that Barnabas would not leave town without saying anything. Joshua disagrees, citing recent behavior. Joshua tells Naomi that it is obvious Barnabas has left to be with Josette Collins. Naomi admits that marrying Angelique was a mistake, but Barnabas would not be unfaithful to his wife. The couple then hear a knock at the door. Naomi answers it to reveal Josette DuPres Collins and Natalie DuPres. Josette asks her in-laws to believe that she had to return to Collinwood. Natalie asks Naomi if something terrible has happened, for she is afraid something has happened or will happen. Naomi asks why the two left, and Josette admits that Barnabas said she was in danger. Joshua accuses Barnabas of deception, but Josette asserts his accusation is false. She wants to see Barnabas, and she is sure he is at the Old House. Natalie wonders aloud if the things are happening to Barnabas; she has strong feelings toward the same. Josette turns to go to the Old House, and Natalie follows. Joshua informs Naomi that he is not the least bit concerned about Barnabas, but as Naomi heads upstairs, Joshua has a worried look on his face. At the Old House, Angelique tries to get Josette and Natalie to leave her alone: she would refuse to tell them where Barnabas is even if she knew. However, Natalie feels that something strange is happening in the Old House. Josette admits to Angelique that Barnabas said he would meet Josette. Angelique accuses the women of trying to hurt her, but Barnabas hears Josette's voice. The three women continue to quarrel before Josette decides to give up. Angelique then makes comments about the women's treatment of her, saying she understands quite well what they're doing. Josette heads for the front door, but Natalie insists she feels something. Barnabas calls out Josette's name, and Josette runs upstairs. Again Barnabas is on the floor, and Josette turns him on his back to reveal his neck. Barnabas is in such a state that he does not know Josette is in the same room, and he goes to the hallway to call her name.
  • 407 - Year of Fire - when volcanos erupted worldwide and Arus Ur Eklas went worldwide with his Dragol-riding Wergols too. See below for a list of the new Wergol colonies he spawned on the various segments.
  • El cuatrocientos siete (407) es el número natural que sigue al 406 y precede al 408. Categoría:Números
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