  • Episode 1075
  • Hey BOL, In episode 1072 you played RougeTess’s voicemail regarding PayPal security using the keychain security key. I jumped on the bandwagon early, and have had one since they were introduced. I hate to say it, but this cool little gizmo does not provide as much security as it seems at first glance. Sometime between when I got mine almost two years ago and now, PayPal totally neutered the functionality by providing a “I don’t have it with me” bypass link, where you can supply your credit card number, checking account number, or *gasp*, answer a traditional pre-defined security question. James
Episode Title
  • One laptop per felon
mp3 link
Episode Date
  • 2009-09-01
notes link
  • Jason Howell
Episode Number
  • 1075
  • 2950.0
  • Tom Merritt, Jason Howell Co-hosts: Rafe Needleman
  • Hey BOL, In episode 1072 you played RougeTess’s voicemail regarding PayPal security using the keychain security key. I jumped on the bandwagon early, and have had one since they were introduced. I hate to say it, but this cool little gizmo does not provide as much security as it seems at first glance. Sometime between when I got mine almost two years ago and now, PayPal totally neutered the functionality by providing a “I don’t have it with me” bypass link, where you can supply your credit card number, checking account number, or *gasp*, answer a traditional pre-defined security question. Yes, it’s better than username/password alone, but it’s not as good as it used to be or could be. And it’s definitely not true second-factor authentication. Hey BOLers, James the field engineer from Michigan. In episode 1074 you mentioned seeing modern day tech in the new Star Trek movie. Well I embarrassed my wife and impressed my twelve year old when I saw two of the above Symbol M2004 hand scanners on the bridge of the Enterprise! My son was even more impressed when I showed him one I keep as a spare in my service truck. Now we just use them to ring up customers at our chain of gas stations but I guess in the “future” you’ll be able to fly a starship with them, my son can’t wait. Love the show. James Hey Buzz Out Loud Crew, I just wanted to send you a short message. I am a Palm Pre user, and I first started listening to your show when I downloaded a Homebrew app called drPodder. It monitors the RSS feeds for lots of podcasts and can be set to auto-download and queue up podcasts for later listening. One of the default podcasts for this application happens to be your show. This is what got me hooked on your show, and probably did the same to a number of other Palm Pre users. Thanks for carrying news regarding the Palm Pre, I love hearing the occasional blurb about technology I use. Love the show, please keep up the good work! Sincerely,