  • The Boy Next Door
  • The Boy Next Door
  • Claire Peterson, Mitte 40 und Highschool-Lehrerin, hat gerade die Scheidung von ihrem Mann Garrett Peterson hinter sich gebracht und muss sich nun als alleinerziehende Mutter um ihren Sohn Kevin kümmern. Da die Scheidung Claire sichtlich mitgenommen hat, beginnt sie in einem schwachen Moment eine Affäre mit ihrem Nachbarn Noah. Für Claire steht fest, dass es ein One-Night-Stand war, da Noah deutlich zu jung für sie ist, dieser sieht das jedoch ganz anders. Er entpuppt sich als Stalker und drängt sich immer mehr in Claires Leben. Er freundet sich mit ihrem Sohn und ihrem Ex-Mann an und lauert ihr in der Schule auf. Claire ahnt, dass sie bald alle in Gefahr schweben.
  • Alf befriends the Ochmoneks' belligerent nephew, Jake.
  • Claire meets 19-year-old Noah Sandborn (Ryan Guzman)—the orphaned nephew of her wheelchair-bound neighbor—who has just moved in next door. Noah befriends Kevin (Ian Nelson), Claire's teenage son and begins attending his school where Claire teaches English literature. Noah is drawn to Claire, expressing love for Homer's Iliad. With Kevin and Garrett away on a fishing trip, Claire watches a naked Noah in his room through her window. Noah takes Claire to a barn house where he has kidnapped Garrett and Kevin, threatening to kill them unless Claire stays with him.
  • The episode starts with the Tanners playing charades. Willie, Lynn, and Brian try to know what Kate is doing. Kate is giving clues and Brian answers, correctly, that the film’s title is The Birds. ALF knows it’s not fair that Brian got it right, because Kate was giving him signals to help him guess. Then it’s ALF’s turn and he indicates that it’s a movie title and then points at himself. Nobody guesses correctly so he reveals that it’s The Man Who Would be King.
  • 2015
Kinostart DE
  • 2015-03-19
  • Vereinigte Staaten
  • Englisch
  • 5520.0
  • FSK 16
  • Boy-next-door-the-teaser.jpg
  • The Boy Next Door
  • Michel Aller
  • 5400.0
  • United States
  • The Boy Next Door
  • English
  • Dave McFarland
  • 5.24E7
  • The Boy Next Door
  • 4000000.0
  • Barbara Curry
Production companies
  • Claire Peterson, Mitte 40 und Highschool-Lehrerin, hat gerade die Scheidung von ihrem Mann Garrett Peterson hinter sich gebracht und muss sich nun als alleinerziehende Mutter um ihren Sohn Kevin kümmern. Da die Scheidung Claire sichtlich mitgenommen hat, beginnt sie in einem schwachen Moment eine Affäre mit ihrem Nachbarn Noah. Für Claire steht fest, dass es ein One-Night-Stand war, da Noah deutlich zu jung für sie ist, dieser sieht das jedoch ganz anders. Er entpuppt sich als Stalker und drängt sich immer mehr in Claires Leben. Er freundet sich mit ihrem Sohn und ihrem Ex-Mann an und lauert ihr in der Schule auf. Claire ahnt, dass sie bald alle in Gefahr schweben.
  • Alf befriends the Ochmoneks' belligerent nephew, Jake.
  • Claire meets 19-year-old Noah Sandborn (Ryan Guzman)—the orphaned nephew of her wheelchair-bound neighbor—who has just moved in next door. Noah befriends Kevin (Ian Nelson), Claire's teenage son and begins attending his school where Claire teaches English literature. Noah is drawn to Claire, expressing love for Homer's Iliad. With Kevin and Garrett away on a fishing trip, Claire watches a naked Noah in his room through her window. Claire goes on a miserable double date with Vicky and her boyfriend Ethan (Travis Schuldt), and his ill-mannered friend Benny (Bailey Chase). With Kevin still away, Noah calls Claire over to help him cook. She ends up having dinner with him, during which he unashamedly flirts with her. Despite Claire's hesitation, she lets Noah seduce her and they have sex. Claire tells Noah that she regrets their night together, causing him to punch a wall in rage. The school year begins with Noah joining an uncomfortable Claire's class after hacking into her computer, making it appear as if she had requested this. Noah manipulates Kevin into hating his father, causing him to lash out at Garrett. Later, Kevin overexerts himself at the gymnasium and goes into shock; Noah saves his life by injecting him with Kevin's EpiPen. Claire receives flowers from Noah, and she confronts him about this. Noah witnesses Claire and Garrett on a date together, which escalates his obsession with her. After an incident where Noah (in defense of Kevin) slams a bully's (Adam Hicks) head into a locker repeatedly, Vicky (who is vice principal at the school) discovers that Noah was kicked out of his previous school for disorderly conduct. After an encounter where Noah insults her, she expels him. During the fall fling, Claire goes to investigate a leak in the boys' bathroom, where she instead sees the words "I fucked Claire Peterson" written on the wall before Noah emerges. He attempts to force himself on her, but she fends him off and demands that he stay away from her and Kevin. The following day, Noah leaves a printer running in Claire's classroom, with images of them sleeping together scattered everywhere. When Garrett's car brakes fail to work, he and Kevin are nearly involved in an accident. Noah blackmails Claire; telling her that he has a tape of them having sex which he will relinquish to her if she continues sleeping with him. She refuses, and organizes a plot with Vicky to steer Noah away from his house. Claire breaks into Noah's house and sees hundreds of images of herself in his basement. She finds his laptop, deleting their sex tape, and also sees images of car brakes, implying that he rigged Garrett's brakes. She meets with Detective Chou (François Chau), who informs her that Noah's father was killed after swerving into a truck with his minivan. Noah binds and gags Vicky with duct tape and uses an audio recording of her voice to lure Claire to her house. When Claire arrives, she discovers Vicky's dead body, with her throat having been slashed by Noah. A horrified Claire contacts the police, but runs into Noah again. He reveals to her that his mother killed herself after his father cheated on her, so he rigged the brakes of his father's minivan, killing him and his mistress. Noah takes Claire to a barn house where he has kidnapped Garrett and Kevin, threatening to kill them unless Claire stays with him. A violent altercation occurs as Claire attempts to free them. Noah pours kerosene around the barn, causing it to ignite in flames. Garrett (having freed himself) attempts to choke Noah with a rope, prompting Noah to shoot him in the chest. Claire stabs Noah's eye with Kevin's EpiPen. When he later holds Kevin at gunpoint, she pulls a switch that drops an engine on Noah, killing him. Claire and Kevin then help a wounded Garrett exit the burning barn house as the police arrive. Garrett is put in an ambulance. A paramedic says that Garrett will be fine. Claire and Kevin ride in the ambulance with him.
  • The episode starts with the Tanners playing charades. Willie, Lynn, and Brian try to know what Kate is doing. Kate is giving clues and Brian answers, correctly, that the film’s title is The Birds. ALF knows it’s not fair that Brian got it right, because Kate was giving him signals to help him guess. Then it’s ALF’s turn and he indicates that it’s a movie title and then points at himself. Nobody guesses correctly so he reveals that it’s The Man Who Would be King. Jake Ochmonek comes from New York and comes over to the Tanners. The Ochmoneks are letting him stay with them for a while. He is going to be staying with the Ochmoneks while his father is away, which will be five years. Kate and Mrs. Ochmonek go into the kitchen to make some iced tea for everyone, and she reveals how happy she is to be a mother. Mrs. Ochmonek explains to Kate that she’s always wanted children, but, ultimately, they decided not to have kids so that Mr. Ochmonek could get his master’s in art history. Kate makes a friendly offer to Mrs. Ochmonek that if she has any questions, she knows where to find her. Mrs. O immediately pulls out a piece of paper and asks if Jake’s old enough to date. Mrs. Ochmonek doesn’t just want to be a mother…she wants to be a good mother. Jake is a bad boy and he’s 15. Lynn talks to him for a while about the fact that they’ll be attending the same school while Brian adjusts to the role he’ll play.. Mr. Ochmonek and Willie go into the bedroom to speak in private, and a couple of funny things happen here. ALF is climbing in the window. He looks down and says, “Hold still, Lucky!” Willie sees ALF climbing through the window, he quickly slams the door on Mr. Ochmonek, who was following right behind. Mr. Ochmonek tells Willie he’s nervous about raising Jake. Willie offers to help with Jake, maybe give him a good talk and straighten him out, and Mr. Ochmonek accepts the offer. Then we’re treated to some really odd, almost aggressive anti-flirtation between Jake and Lynn, culminating with him asking her to jump out of a cake for him. Speaking of cake, Willie invites Jake over for some after dinner. ALF wants it though, so he pounds the table and chants, “Cake, cake, cake.” Later, during the conversation about Jake, he “sneakily” pulls the tablecloth so that the cake moves closer to him. That night Jake sneaks into Willie’s shed and steals his telescope. Jake then has to hide, because ALF comes into the shed. Jake sees ALF and drops the telescope. ALF makes Jake repair the telescope. Jake says that his dad taught him to fix things. Later that night, ALF remembers that he has a whole new child to molest, so he spies on Jake through the window. This is when we are made privy to the horrific extent of the boy’s juvenile delinquency: he crumples up some sheets of blank paper and throws them around. ALF gives Jake a bunch of stuff to fix. Mrs. Ochmonek hears him talking to somebody, and he calls to her that it’s just the TV. ALF, to keep up the illusion, shouts, “Live from New York! It’s Saturday night!”. The next day Willie is ignoring his daughter talk about her upcoming birthday. Willie goes into the kitchen where ALF reveals that he gave that crap to Jake to fix, and then they agree that their new friend Jake is one outrageous dude, and totally in their face. Then Willie returns to the living room and apologizes.
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