  • Special Tactics and Rescue Service
  • Special Tactics And Rescue Service
  • Special Tactics And Rescue Service
  • Special Tactics And Rescue Service
  • Special Tactics and Rescue Service
  • Special Tactics and Rescue Service
  • Special Tactics and Rescue Service (S.T.A.R.S.) was an elite special forces division under the jurisdiction of the Raccoon City Police Department. It employed ex-military personnel and academic civilians for appropriate positions within the police department. The overall idea was to form a team combining tactically-sound soldiers with scientists, allowing the team to operate in both anti-terrorism and increasingly-potent urban crime.
  • thumb|248px ラクーン市警察所属特殊作戦部隊の名称。各分野で活躍する優秀な人材のみで構成されたエリート集団。略称はスターズ。特殊作戦(治安維持、人質救出等)を主な任務としている。当初は5マンセル×2班の10名構成を想定されていたが、現在は12名2班で構成されている。また、隊員にはそれぞれ役割を分担する配置が決められており、任務時にはPM及びBUM(下記参照)が前線に立つことが多いが、他の隊員たちも高い戦闘能力を有している。余談だが『2』及び『3』のラクーン市警察のオフィスには隊員の集合写真が飾ってあり、レベッカを除く全員の姿を見ることが出来る。 LDR(リーダー) 指揮官の位置にあり戦術的な作戦決定を行うチームの核。 PM(ポイントマン) チーム内では最も危険なポジション。最前線での戦闘を任務とするため、最も優秀な隊員が就く。 BUM(バックアップマン) 前衛の援護役。そのためPMとコンビで行動することが多い。 OM(オムニマン) 機器の操作や重火器の整備・運搬などが主な任務。後方での戦略的な行動が必要とされる。 RS(リア・セキュリティ) ヘリの操縦や警護、後方警戒が主な任務。時には狙撃手にもなる。
  • Enrico Marini(captin) rebecca chambers(rear secureity&medic) kevin dooley (pilot) edward dewy (co-pilot) forest spyer (veichile specilist) kenneth j. sullivan (omniman) richard akien
  • Les Special Tactics and Rescue Service (S.T.A.R.S.) étaient une division des forces spéciales sous la juridiction du Raccoon City Police Department. Elle employée des anciens militaires et des civiles diplômés pour des positions appropriées au sein du département. L'idée générale était de former une équipe combinant des soldats tactiquement pertinents avec des scientifiques, permettant ainsi à l'équipe d'intervenir sur des crimes à la fois de plus en plus nombreux et brutaux en ville, et anti-terrorisme.
  • Categoria:Abbozzi thumb|Foto di gruppo S.T.A.R.S., Special Tactics And Rescue Service (squadra tattiche speciali e salvataggio), è un reparto speciale della polizia degli Stati Uniti che appare nella serie.
  • Special Tactics and Rescue Service, abreviado como S.T.A.R.S. (en español: Tácticas Especiales y Servicios de Rescate). Es una unidad especial ficticia, compuestas por varios equipos para servicios militares, que aparece en la serie de videojuegos Resident Evil. Son similares a lo que son el equipo S.W.A.T. de la policía estadounidense y fue fundada bajo la jurisdicción del R.P.D. (Raccoon Police Department). La división de Raccoon City se ve involucrada en los desastres biológicos narrados en los videojuegos y novelas, también hacen pequeñas apariciones en las películas.
  • A unit of hand-picked specialists working with the Raccoon City Police Department, S.T.A.R.S. was founded in 1996 in order to combat the increasing rate of terrorism and other violent crimes. The special tactics team was formed as part of Mayor Michael Warren's redevelopment campaign, "Bright Raccoon 21", funded generously and heavily by the private sector, most notably the Umbrella Corporation. By July 1998, it was comprised of twelve members split into two teams; an "Alpha" team led by Albert Wesker, and a "Bravo" team led by Enrico Marini.
  • Special Tactics and Rescue Service (S.T.A.R.S.) was an elite special forces division under the jurisdiction of the Raccoon City Police Department. It employed ex-military personnel and academic civilians for appropriate positions within the police department. The overall idea was to form a team combining tactically-sound soldiers with scientists, allowing the team to operate in both anti-terrorism and increasingly-potent urban crime.
  • Special Tactics and Rescue Service, abreviado como S.T.A.R.S. (en español: Tácticas Especiales y Servicios de Rescate). Es una unidad especial ficticia, compuestas por varios equipos para servicios militares, que aparece en la serie de videojuegos Resident Evil. Son similares a lo que son el equipo S.W.A.T. de la policía estadounidense y fue fundada bajo la jurisdicción del R.P.D. (Raccoon Police Department). La división de Raccoon City se ve involucrada en los desastres biológicos narrados en los videojuegos y novelas, también hacen pequeñas apariciones en las películas. El departamento de S.T.A.R.S. de Raccoon City esta formado por dos divisiones: equipos Alpha y Bravo. El líder del equipo Bravo era Enrico Marini y el capitán del equipo Alpha y del grupo entero Albert Wesker , de este equipo forman parte Chris Redfield y Jill Valentine los héroes y protagonistas del videojuego ademas de Barry Burton, que hace varias apariciones puntuales en los videojuegos. En las novelas de S.D. Perry, narra que los S.T.A.R.S. son un grupo especial de combate (al igual que el S.W.A.T.) establecido por todo Estados Unidos y estan presentes en cada ciudad, describiendo a un equipo en particular, el Equipo Exeter de Maine. En las películas también aparecen, principalmente en Resident Evil: Apocalypse donde es un grupo más numeroso y fuerte.
  • thumb|248px ラクーン市警察所属特殊作戦部隊の名称。各分野で活躍する優秀な人材のみで構成されたエリート集団。略称はスターズ。特殊作戦(治安維持、人質救出等)を主な任務としている。当初は5マンセル×2班の10名構成を想定されていたが、現在は12名2班で構成されている。また、隊員にはそれぞれ役割を分担する配置が決められており、任務時にはPM及びBUM(下記参照)が前線に立つことが多いが、他の隊員たちも高い戦闘能力を有している。余談だが『2』及び『3』のラクーン市警察のオフィスには隊員の集合写真が飾ってあり、レベッカを除く全員の姿を見ることが出来る。 LDR(リーダー) 指揮官の位置にあり戦術的な作戦決定を行うチームの核。 PM(ポイントマン) チーム内では最も危険なポジション。最前線での戦闘を任務とするため、最も優秀な隊員が就く。 BUM(バックアップマン) 前衛の援護役。そのためPMとコンビで行動することが多い。 OM(オムニマン) 機器の操作や重火器の整備・運搬などが主な任務。後方での戦略的な行動が必要とされる。 RS(リア・セキュリティ) ヘリの操縦や警護、後方警戒が主な任務。時には狙撃手にもなる。
  • Enrico Marini(captin) rebecca chambers(rear secureity&medic) kevin dooley (pilot) edward dewy (co-pilot) forest spyer (veichile specilist) kenneth j. sullivan (omniman) richard akien
  • Les Special Tactics and Rescue Service (S.T.A.R.S.) étaient une division des forces spéciales sous la juridiction du Raccoon City Police Department. Elle employée des anciens militaires et des civiles diplômés pour des positions appropriées au sein du département. L'idée générale était de former une équipe combinant des soldats tactiquement pertinents avec des scientifiques, permettant ainsi à l'équipe d'intervenir sur des crimes à la fois de plus en plus nombreux et brutaux en ville, et anti-terrorisme.
  • A unit of hand-picked specialists working with the Raccoon City Police Department, S.T.A.R.S. was founded in 1996 in order to combat the increasing rate of terrorism and other violent crimes. The special tactics team was formed as part of Mayor Michael Warren's redevelopment campaign, "Bright Raccoon 21", funded generously and heavily by the private sector, most notably the Umbrella Corporation. By July 1998, it was comprised of twelve members split into two teams; an "Alpha" team led by Albert Wesker, and a "Bravo" team led by Enrico Marini. Two years after its formation, S.T.A.R.S. was deployed by the police to investigate a series of brutal cannibalistic homicides, which had taken place in the Arklay Mountains on the outskirts of the city. Bravo team was sent in on July 23, 1998 to investigate these incidents. However, contact with Bravo team was lost and on the following day, Alpha team was dispatched to follow-up on Bravo team's mission and investigate their disappearance. Their probe of the area led to an isolated mansion (The base of Umbrella's Arklay Laboratory), where various mutated creatures run amok and the mansion's very research staff transformed into undead creatures as a result of a viral outbreak. Moreover, the members of Alpha team also found the remains of some of their Bravo team compatriots, while finding others on the brink of death (with the exception of Rebecca Chambers, who managed to escape with the Alpha team). It was revealed that the experiments in the mansion were conducted by the international Umbrella Corporation and that the S.T.A.R.S. team's leader, Albert Wesker, was a double agent working for Umbrella, who had orchestrated the deaths of his subordinates in order to collect test battle data for Umbrella's B.O.W. research. The team managed to thwart Wesker's plot by killing the T-002 Tyrant prototype. Only Alpha team members Jill Valentine; Chris Redfield; Barry Burton; Brad Vickers (Alpha team's helicopter pilot, who initially left the team stranded in the first place, but later regained his composure and airlifted the survivors), and Bravo team survivor Rebecca Chambers survived the mansion incident officially. Albert Wesker proved to have survived the attack from the Tyrant and escaped the mansion on his own. The S.T.A.R.S. office had to go through a major clean out as over half of the officers were murdered (by-products of Umbrella). Their desks were cleaned out and, as such, most every member had their own desk to work at, save Rebecca who was on Bravo team so was usually on a different shift anyway. After their return to civilization, S.T.A.R.S. requested a full-scale investigation of Umbrella's activities. However, many found their outlandish story too unbelievable to be possible and the Chief of Police, Brian Irons (who was secretly on Umbrella's payroll) disbanded the team officially, replacing the unit with the R.P.D's newly established S.W.A.T. unit to serve as the city's armed response unit. Chris, Jill, and Barry banded together and participated in anti-Umbrella operations around the globe.
  • Categoria:Abbozzi thumb|Foto di gruppo S.T.A.R.S., Special Tactics And Rescue Service (squadra tattiche speciali e salvataggio), è un reparto speciale della polizia degli Stati Uniti che appare nella serie.
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