  • New Dawn Pirates
  • The New Dawn Pirates,(ニュードーンパイレーツ,Nyūdōn no Ichimi) are a pirate crew from West Blue and the main focus and heroes of the One Piece: Kigen and are led by the main protagonist, Kenichi Ryuzaki. The "New Dawns", as named after Kenichi's Dream to Find a New Dawn in the world, and are sometimes referred to as the "Dark Adonis Pirates" both By Marines and Pirates. The crew sailed on the Dragon's claws, their first official New Dawn ship, up until Sabaody Archipelago. After the Sabaody Archipelago Arc, they obtained a new ship called the Eternal Dream. The New Dawns currently consist of nine members.
  • The New Dawn Pirates,(ニュードーンパイレーツ,Nyūdōn no Ichimi) are a pirate crew from West Blue and the main focus and heroes of the One Piece: Kigen and are led by the main protagonist, Kenichi Ryuzaki. The "New Dawns", as named after Kenichi's Dream to Find a New Dawn in the world, and are sometimes referred to as the "Dark Adonis Pirates" both By Marines and Pirates. The crew sailed on the Dragon's claws, their first official New Dawn ship, up until Sabaody Archipelago. After the Sabaody Archipelago Arc, they obtained a new ship called the Eternal Dream. The New Dawns currently consist of nine members.