  • World Factbook Entry
  • World Factbook entries also contain one or more text links to regional forums, websites, maps, or other relevant materials that region members have taken the time to develop. For technical reasons, those links have to be cut and pasted rather than simply clicked. The World Factbook Entry of The South Pacific typically contains the links to the regional forms, how to get involved in the government, a link to The Law of Succession, and any other special happenings.
  • World Factbook entries also contain one or more text links to regional forums, websites, maps, or other relevant materials that region members have taken the time to develop. For technical reasons, those links have to be cut and pasted rather than simply clicked. The World Factbook Entry of The South Pacific typically contains the links to the regional forms, how to get involved in the government, a link to The Law of Succession, and any other special happenings.