  • Glade Riders
  • Unlike most cavalrymen, Glade Riders do not view their horses as property or subservient beasts. Instead, over a period that can last many years, a deep connection is formed between rider and steed. This bond goes beyond friendship and beyond family, so that horse and rider act as one being, communicating on a level that is impossible for an onlooker to detect. Where another would have to command his steed upon the path he needs it to follow, it is as though the Glade Rider need only think the command and the horse responds.[1a]
  • Unlike most cavalrymen, Glade Riders do not view their horses as property or subservient beasts. Instead, over a period that can last many years, a deep connection is formed between rider and steed. This bond goes beyond friendship and beyond family, so that horse and rider act as one being, communicating on a level that is impossible for an onlooker to detect. Where another would have to command his steed upon the path he needs it to follow, it is as though the Glade Rider need only think the command and the horse responds.[1a] When their steeds are not needed for battle, Glade Riders pasture them deep within Athel Loren. This is not because they fear that their horses will stray but is done for the protection of the steeds. Only a very determined and lucky horse thief could find his way so deep into Athel Loren safely, and few have ever made it back out again. Those rare outsiders who catch a glimpse of a Wood Elf steed at play often refuse to believe that it is truly a mortal creature, assuming instead that some strange fey beast has crossed their path. In truth, there is little more magical about the steeds of Athel Loren than any other inhabitant of the wood, merely the boundless joy of a creature born into freedom, rather than into bondage.[1a]