  • Zul
  • Zul was a tent town just west of Calum, the capital of Flayeland. Zul had been finded MK: 268 (CC: 4,997) by a group of beggars in Calum. The city later grew into a sort of tribe, and was governed by several chieftains elected by way of primitive mob-rule. These chieftains answered to the King of Calum. Eventually, in search of his son, and the Southern Sage, King Kalth Viceses of Bottomjaw Castle sacked Calum and stormed Zul, capturing Makal under the false belief that he was his son. Later, Prince Pyett of Seylenn appeared in Zul via means of a lychgate, capturing the city, but essentially enslaving its entire population, and then going on to capture Calum, and later even Bottomjaw Castle with his soulslaved tallmen. He charged control of his new holdings to the Threeyes, also called the
  • Zul was a tent town just west of Calum, the capital of Flayeland. Zul had been finded MK: 268 (CC: 4,997) by a group of beggars in Calum. The city later grew into a sort of tribe, and was governed by several chieftains elected by way of primitive mob-rule. These chieftains answered to the King of Calum. Eventually, in search of his son, and the Southern Sage, King Kalth Viceses of Bottomjaw Castle sacked Calum and stormed Zul, capturing Makal under the false belief that he was his son. Later, Prince Pyett of Seylenn appeared in Zul via means of a lychgate, capturing the city, but essentially enslaving its entire population, and then going on to capture Calum, and later even Bottomjaw Castle with his soulslaved tallmen. He charged control of his new holdings to the Threeyes, also called the Orange Wyzards. Zul was devastated, and completely abandoned afterwards. Ijdayr, one of the Orange Wyzards, later used Zul's tents to create golems of animal skins, using them to scare the Elesians into submission.