  • Demur politely
  • From: [[]] The Quiet Deviless is tipping her hand a little too boldly. You know what happens on the other sides of bedchamber doors. Maintain decorum. Wait in the parlour. [Find the rest of the story at ] __NOEDITSECTION__
Success title
  • A missed opportunity
From Card/Storylet title
  • The Art of Beauty
Success description
  • When the Quiet Deviless joins you in her parlour, her manner is more reserved than usual. She is carefully made-up - her face is a mask of chalky powder,[…] Her make-up is her shield, and she's put all her feelings behind it, out of your reach.
  • The Quiet Deviless is tipping her hand a little too boldly. You know what happens on the other sides of bedchamber doors. Maintain decorum. Wait in the parlour.
Success summary
  • The Quiet Deviless seems to be more reserved than usual when you meet her in the parlour; her feelings unreadable beneath her painted face.
  • From: [[]] The Quiet Deviless is tipping her hand a little too boldly. You know what happens on the other sides of bedchamber doors. Maintain decorum. Wait in the parlour. [Find the rest of the story at ] __NOEDITSECTION__