  • Tozuken
  • Tozuken was a Wasp samurai who had been wounded in battle and could no longer serve in the field. In 1152 he was allowed by Tsuruchi Ichiro to teach, and founded the Dancing Steel Dojo in a former storehouse located on the southern edge of the Tsuruchi holdings. Younger members dissatisfied with the status of the Tsuruchi family gathered there, becoming the headquarters of a new philosophical faction among the younger generation. Tozuken, realizing what was taking place, retired in 1158 to a monastery and was replaced by his student Tsuruchi Shimiko.
  • Tozuken was a Wasp samurai who had been wounded in battle and could no longer serve in the field. In 1152 he was allowed by Tsuruchi Ichiro to teach, and founded the Dancing Steel Dojo in a former storehouse located on the southern edge of the Tsuruchi holdings. Younger members dissatisfied with the status of the Tsuruchi family gathered there, becoming the headquarters of a new philosophical faction among the younger generation. Tozuken, realizing what was taking place, retired in 1158 to a monastery and was replaced by his student Tsuruchi Shimiko.