  • Shotgun Ice
  • Shotgun Ice
  • In Mega Man X, Spark Mandrill, Bospider, and Velguarder are especially weak to Shotgun Ice. In Mega Man Xtreme, aside from the former two bosses, Zain is also weak to this weapon as well. In Spark Mandrill's case, in Mega Man X and its remake, Mega Man Maverick Hunter X, it is possible for the player to trap this boss in a loop by repeatedly firing Shotgun Ice at Mandrill the moment after he breaks free from the ice. The timing varies between the two games - such as Mandrill breaking free much faster in Maverick Hunter X - but with proper timing, it is possible for X to defeat this boss with Shotgun Ice without taking damage or even moving.
  • Shotgun Ice (ショットガンアイス Shottogan Aisu?, Trad. Escopeta de Hielo) es el Arma Especial que X obtiene luego de derrotar a Chill Penguin en Mega Man X1 y Mega Man Xtreme. En Modo Normal dispara un trozo de hielo que puede dañar o congelar ciertos objetivos. Una vez que haya colisionado con una pared, los trozos de hielos se dispersan en la dirección contraria. En Modo Cargado, se puede formar una pequeña plataforma de hielo con forma de Penguin que X puede montar por un corto periodo de tiempo y que al chocar contra alguna pared desaparece, sin embargo, en Mega Man Xtreme rebota dos veces antes de desaparecer.
  • Shotgun Ice (ショットガンアイス Shottogan Aisu?) is the Special Weapon that X obtains from defeating Chill Penguin in Mega Man X and Mega Man Xtreme. In its normal state, X fires a shard of ice that can freeze and/or damage a target. Upon collision, smaller shards will be fanned out in the opposite direction. When charged, a sled composed of ice is created that X can stand upon and ride for a short period of time. In Mega Man X, the sled merely travels along the ground until it hits a wall and shatters on impact. In Mega Man Xtreme, however, this sled will ricochet off of a wall for a few times before disappearing.
  • ショットガンアイス
  • 1
  • 2
  • Mega Man X:
  • Mega Man Xtreme:
  • Chill Penguin
débil ante
  • Shotgun Ice
comentario imagen
  • Mega Man X utilizando el Shotgun Ice
  • Escopeta de Hielo
  • 250
  • Mega Man X
  • Mega Man Maverick Hunter X
  • Mega Man Xtreme
  • leftShotgun Iceright
  • 14
  • 28
  • Mega Man X:
  • Mega Man Xtreme:
  • left right Shotgun Ice
  • Ice, Split
  • Ice, Support, Floor
  • '''Shottogan Aisu
  • Shottogan Aisu
  • Weapon Get Screen sprite of X equipped with Shotgun Ice in his normal state and with completed armor .
  • 14
  • 28
  • Mega Man X:
  • Mega Man Xtreme:
  • Hielo
  • 1
  • 2
  • Mega Man X:
  • Mega Man Xtreme:
  • Normal=250px
  • ショットガンアイス
  • #FFF
  • Shotgun Ice (ショットガンアイス Shottogan Aisu?, Trad. Escopeta de Hielo) es el Arma Especial que X obtiene luego de derrotar a Chill Penguin en Mega Man X1 y Mega Man Xtreme. En Modo Normal dispara un trozo de hielo que puede dañar o congelar ciertos objetivos. Una vez que haya colisionado con una pared, los trozos de hielos se dispersan en la dirección contraria. En Modo Cargado, se puede formar una pequeña plataforma de hielo con forma de Penguin que X puede montar por un corto periodo de tiempo y que al chocar contra alguna pared desaparece, sin embargo, en Mega Man Xtreme rebota dos veces antes de desaparecer. En Mega Man X, Spark Mandrill, Bosspider y Velguader son débiles al Shotgun Ice. En Mega Man Xtreme, además de los dos primeros, Zain también es débil ante esta arma. En el caso de Spark Mandrill, es posible encerrarlo en hielo y reiniciar su patrón de ataque en Mega Man X y Mega Man Maverick Hunter X usando el ataque repetidamente a cierto ritmo, sin embargo el tiempo en que se libere varía, mientras que en Mega Man X tarda un poco en liberarse, en Maverick Hunter X es más rápido.
  • In Mega Man X, Spark Mandrill, Bospider, and Velguarder are especially weak to Shotgun Ice. In Mega Man Xtreme, aside from the former two bosses, Zain is also weak to this weapon as well. In Spark Mandrill's case, in Mega Man X and its remake, Mega Man Maverick Hunter X, it is possible for the player to trap this boss in a loop by repeatedly firing Shotgun Ice at Mandrill the moment after he breaks free from the ice. The timing varies between the two games - such as Mandrill breaking free much faster in Maverick Hunter X - but with proper timing, it is possible for X to defeat this boss with Shotgun Ice without taking damage or even moving.
  • Shotgun Ice (ショットガンアイス Shottogan Aisu?) is the Special Weapon that X obtains from defeating Chill Penguin in Mega Man X and Mega Man Xtreme. In its normal state, X fires a shard of ice that can freeze and/or damage a target. Upon collision, smaller shards will be fanned out in the opposite direction. When charged, a sled composed of ice is created that X can stand upon and ride for a short period of time. In Mega Man X, the sled merely travels along the ground until it hits a wall and shatters on impact. In Mega Man Xtreme, however, this sled will ricochet off of a wall for a few times before disappearing. In Mega Man X, Spark Mandrill, Bospider, and Velguarder are especially weak to Shotgun Ice. In Mega Man Xtreme, aside from the former two bosses, Zain is also weak to this weapon as well. In Spark Mandrill's case, in Mega Man X and its remake, Mega Man Maverick Hunter X, it is possible for the player to trap this boss in a loop by repeatedly firing Shotgun Ice at Mandrill the moment after he breaks free from the ice. The timing varies between the two games - such as Mandrill breaking free much faster in Maverick Hunter X - but with proper timing, it is possible for X to defeat this boss with Shotgun Ice without taking damage or even moving.
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