  • Uncyclopedia:Pee Review/English Uncyclopedia
  • Utter crap I know. Feel free to tell me how to improve it or delete or whatnot. 19:16, January 10, 2012 (UTC) Fuck. Just thought I'd introduce you to a new word. Tell it to your mother when she forgets to cut the crusts off your ham and cheese sandwiches. And I guess I'll try and review this, but I have no idea what I'm going to say, so it'll take a while. Sure, and thanks. This whole time I've just been yelling "Cunt!" at her. Won't she be happy to hear "Fucking Cunt" instead. -- 18:37, February 10, 2012 (UTC)
  • I was considering a little while back doing something similar. I chickened out. Good to see that you've had the courage to do what I didn't. 
  • Beyond what I said relating to the levels of headers, I like the overall format. I would be inclined to use a false header for the last section so the joke isn't stolen by the TOC.  I love the misspelling of sppell as well. Strikeout jokes are not my favourites. The couple you have in here are okay, but I would prefer ambiguous adjectives, like renowned admins.
  • Good choice of images. Good captioning. Need to be a bit bigger though. 
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  • As always, I've mixed up humour and concept together. So I have nothing new to add in this section.  I could do a dance for you here if you like.  Minor notes: I wouldn't use the names of any users in the article. It reads as vanity in a way, even if it isn't. Linking to list of admins and telling people to greet them with friendly abuse is fine though.  Also, we have a few Australian users. Mention us. We feel left out otherwise.  Everyone else who isn't in... If they're not one of us, try are inferior, hence ripe for ridicule.
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  • 3.786912E8
  • 7.500000
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  • Slutbucket is also a good word for your mother. 
  • PuppyOnTheRadio/sig2|1328937319
  • Utter crap I know. Feel free to tell me how to improve it or delete or whatnot. 19:16, January 10, 2012 (UTC) Fuck. Just thought I'd introduce you to a new word. Tell it to your mother when she forgets to cut the crusts off your ham and cheese sandwiches. And I guess I'll try and review this, but I have no idea what I'm going to say, so it'll take a while. Sure, and thanks. This whole time I've just been yelling "Cunt!" at her. Won't she be happy to hear "Fucking Cunt" instead. -- 18:37, February 10, 2012 (UTC)