  • Georgie (Anything Muppet man)
  • Georgie appears in a 1998 episode of Sesame Street, one of several people passing through while the famous lamppost sign is missing. As Telly tries to write out a temporary sign, Georgie gleefully strolls down the street planning to meet his "sweetie pie" under the sign. Upon realizing it's gone, he grows worried and decides to look elsewhere. Moments later, Georgie's girlfriend wanders by and, when she sees the sign isn't there, frantically runs off to find him. Once the Sesame Street sign has been reinstated, the two finally reunite under the lamppost.
  • 1998
  • Georgie appears in a 1998 episode of Sesame Street, one of several people passing through while the famous lamppost sign is missing. As Telly tries to write out a temporary sign, Georgie gleefully strolls down the street planning to meet his "sweetie pie" under the sign. Upon realizing it's gone, he grows worried and decides to look elsewhere. Moments later, Georgie's girlfriend wanders by and, when she sees the sign isn't there, frantically runs off to find him. Once the Sesame Street sign has been reinstated, the two finally reunite under the lamppost.