  • Syclarian
  • The Syclarian were a race known to the Federation in the mid 24th century. At some time prior to 2376, Dr. Bartholomew Faulwell wrote a translation of a Syclarian scientist's journal, and in light of that work, was asked by the Sato Linguistics Institute to write a paper on the Syclarian language for their journal (after their request had been rejected by a Syclarian linguist). (SCE eBook: Security)
  • The Syclarian were a race known to the Federation in the mid 24th century. At some time prior to 2376, Dr. Bartholomew Faulwell wrote a translation of a Syclarian scientist's journal, and in light of that work, was asked by the Sato Linguistics Institute to write a paper on the Syclarian language for their journal (after their request had been rejected by a Syclarian linguist). (SCE eBook: Security)