  • Nodachi of Mugen
  • Nodachi of Mugen - (Literally Meaning; "Infinite") often called the Blade of Gou (Literally Meaning; "Blade of Karma"), It is made of a metal that absorbs Chakra in a certain distance, giving it the ability to negate ninjutsu by literally slicing through an opponent's techniques, in spite of whether the chakra has been transformed or not and even prevent them from being performed by absorbing all of the necessary chakra, before preparations can be completed. Another one of it's abilities is actually sealing one's chakra. When the blade comes into physical contact with an opponent, it has the ability to temporarily seal one of the Eight Gates which disables chakra to pass throughout that part of the body for about 9 hours. In other words, if hit in the 8 correct areas one's chakra can be co
unnamed tool
  • No
debut shippuden
  • No
literal english
  • Blade of the Infinite
tool media
  • Manga
  • Yōi Tenkou
  • Nodachi of Mugen
  • のだち むげん
  • Nodachi of Mugen - (Literally Meaning; "Infinite") often called the Blade of Gou (Literally Meaning; "Blade of Karma"), It is made of a metal that absorbs Chakra in a certain distance, giving it the ability to negate ninjutsu by literally slicing through an opponent's techniques, in spite of whether the chakra has been transformed or not and even prevent them from being performed by absorbing all of the necessary chakra, before preparations can be completed. Another one of it's abilities is actually sealing one's chakra. When the blade comes into physical contact with an opponent, it has the ability to temporarily seal one of the Eight Gates which disables chakra to pass throughout that part of the body for about 9 hours. In other words, if hit in the 8 correct areas one's chakra can be completely sealed away for almost three days total. Though the main effect of the blade isn't that. It's known as the Blade of Karma for a reason which only a select few people know why Yoi inheriting it from his father being one of them. Yoi is able to pass on the damage done to him and into the blade so that it may be redirected at the opponent to deal the same amount of damage that would've been done to Yoi to its opponent. How is this done? As soon as damage is done to Yoi the ability of the blade kicks in which it shall absorb the physical energy from the attack break it down and then recompose it at the tip of the blade. With the added spiritual energy from Yoi it gives the attack shape thus it may be redirected at the opponent. Capable of extending it's boundaries, the sword can elongate it's blade at phenomenal at speeds; It extends to the length that the wielder desires the limit being one mile. The power within the sword allows it to unseal an infinite amount of the blade, even allowing it to change direction mid flight, as if it were an intricate eldritch tool. Thanks to all the training thatYoi puts forward in refining his chakra control and threads, she is allowed to extend, duplicate, and change direction of the unsealed portions of Mugen at will from a distance, dramatically reducing the cost it would take for a normal swordsmen to unseal the weapon's powers. The blade itself is twice the height of Yoi's body thus making it ridiculously long compared to most weapons despite it being super light.