  • Centric tally
  • This article lists and tallies all of the flashbacks, flashforwards and flashsideways on Lost. __TOC__ Characters below are arranged in order of the number of centric episodes. The first flashback by show episode chronology is asterisked + - flashback at least partially set on the Island. ++ - flashforwards. * - episode features more than one character's flashbacks or flashforwards. ** - episode has little to no flashbacks or flashforwards +++ - Flash-sideways
  • This article lists and tallies all of the flashbacks, flashforwards and flashsideways on Lost. __TOC__ Characters below are arranged in order of the number of centric episodes. The first flashback by show episode chronology is asterisked + - flashback at least partially set on the Island. ++ - flashforwards. * - episode features more than one character's flashbacks or flashforwards. ** - episode has little to no flashbacks or flashforwards +++ - Flash-sideways