  • Second Battle of the Vattican Sea
  • The Second Battle of the Vattican Sea was a battle between the Order of the Jedi Bendu of the Ophuchi and the Eternal Order of the Vipera during the Kal'Shabbol Civil War. After their loss at the First Battle of the Vattican Sea, the Sons of The Skywalker began to pray heavily for guidance in the costly war until, finally, Yahweh gave wisdom to David of Skywalker who in turn imparted it to Matthew of Skywalker. During that same time, the colonies decided to officially send their armies into combat. Although thousands of their people had already joined with the Jedi Bendu, they were not the core members of the militaries. This gave the Jedi Bendu a clear advantage, because they were able to refresh their army while the Valley People were not. Matthew realized that with these soldiers, he wo
  • The Second Battle of the Vattican Sea was a battle between the Order of the Jedi Bendu of the Ophuchi and the Eternal Order of the Vipera during the Kal'Shabbol Civil War. After their loss at the First Battle of the Vattican Sea, the Sons of The Skywalker began to pray heavily for guidance in the costly war until, finally, Yahweh gave wisdom to David of Skywalker who in turn imparted it to Matthew of Skywalker. During that same time, the colonies decided to officially send their armies into combat. Although thousands of their people had already joined with the Jedi Bendu, they were not the core members of the militaries. This gave the Jedi Bendu a clear advantage, because they were able to refresh their army while the Valley People were not. Matthew realized that with these soldiers, he would possibly be able to use the tactic given to David by Yahweh in a proper manner and be able to come up with additional tactics for the continuation of the war that he was likely to see. The tactic was put to the test when the two forces met once again at the Vattican Sea, with the Valley People charging with their equestrian archers and swordsmen. As a defense against the heavily cavalry-oriented valley army, the Jedi Bendu formed a double-triangle, which created a star shape of two lines, with the first line kneeling. All had bows with double-barreled arrows and an added string bridge to the bow, which allowed for increased penetration against their armored foes. They were all to shoot at the riders only when they were fairly near, ensuring a good shot, which was generally around thirty meters. Any closer could have sent a wounded equestria flying into the line when shot, and any further would decrease accuracy. As the distance was standard and the lines firm, around the lines rows of dead equestria built up, blocking the approach of more riders. Being such an unbroken and steady line, the Valley People could not break it and were forced into heavy losses before they retreated.